DiscoverItem - Record
DiscoverItem - Record retrieves a single, de-duplicated (or merged) bibliographic record, which was retrieved as part of a result set of an active DiscoverItem - Search.
A record is identified with a unique record ID. This record ID is provided in the DiscoverItem - Search response. Use this unique record id when calling DiscoverItem - Record.
If DiscoverItem - Record is called while a DiscoverItem - Search is ongoing then additional holdings for the selected record can be retrieved (there is no need to wait for DiscoverItem - Search to complete, i.e., to wait for ActiveCatalog to be 0).
DiscoverItem - Record
HTTP Method: GET
HTTP Header User-Agent: ${user-agent}
Standard http clients (browser, http client libraries etc.) will automatically include it's User-Agent value.
Search URL:
- https://HOSTNAME/di/search/record/
For example:
DiscoverItem - Record: request body JSON elements
Parameter name | Definition | Required/optional etc | Notes |
aid | A valid authorization id. | Required | See Authentication for more details. |
query | A valid Command Language - CCL (ISO 8777) query. | Required. | |
Caution: Use the same value for aid and query as used when calling DiscoverItem - Search. |
recordId | A unique record id for a record or merged record | Required | Use the recordId provided in the DiscoverItem- Search response. |
Retrieve the record with record id = content: title the stranger author Camus Albert date 1946 medium book, which is part of the result set of an active search for The Stranger by Albert Camus.
Using aid, query and recordid |
https://HOSTNAME/di/search/record?aid=12knsfd987234ldfd2&query=ti%3D%22The%20Stranger%22%20and%20au%3D%22Albert%22%20and%20au%3D%22Camus%22&recordid=content%3A%20title%20the%20stranger%20author%20camus%20albert%20date%201946%20medium%20book |
DiscoverItem - Record: response JSON elements
Element | Description |
ActiveCatalog | An integer value indicating the number of catalogs being actively searched. A value of 0 means that the search is complete |
Record |
Repeatable. An object representing a unique record or merged record. This value is returned as an array. |
RecordId |
A unique record id for a record or merged record |
RecordTitle |
The title value used to de-duplicate records. This value is part of the record id. |
RecordAuthor |
The author value used to de-duplicate records. This value is part of the record id. |
RecordDate |
The date value used to de-duplicate records. This value is part of the record id. |
RecordMedium |
The medium value used to de-duplicate records. This value is part of the record id. |
Item |
Repeatable. An object representing a record returned from a target. This value is returned as an array |
CatalogName |
BibId |
Repeatable. |
III-Id |
Repeatable. |
OCLCRecordNumber |
Repeatable. |
Repeatable. |
Repeatable. |
Title |
Author |
Repeatable. |
Date |
Medium |
TitleRemainder |
TitleResponsibility |
Description |
Subject |
Repeatable. |
Edition |
Publisher |
PublicationPlace |
PublicationDate |
PhysicalExtent |
PhysicalFormat |
PhysicalDimension |
SeriesTitle |
JournalTitle |
JournalSubpart |
VolumeNumber |
IssueDate |
IssueNumber |
PagesNumber |
Holding |
Repeatable. An object representing holdings information for a record returned from a target. This value is returned as an array. |
Format |
ShelvingLocation |
CallNumber |
Availability |
LoanPolicy |
ItemId |
EnumAndChron |
This service may return the following problem codes and messages:
HTTP status |
Code |
Type |
Message |
400 Bad Request | PUBSC002, PUBHG001 | Public | Missing parameter |
401 Unauthorized | PUBSC004 | Public | Invalid aid |
401 Unauthorized | PUBSC006 | Public | User group not authorized to access the service |
412 Precondition Failed | PUBHG004 | Public | Inactive search |
404 Not Found | PUBHG005 | Public | No result |
500 Internal Server Error | PRISC001, PRIHG001 | Private | Internal error |