Relais D2D and ILLiad integration

Find information about Relais D2D and ILLiad integration.

D2D sites using ILLiad as their ILL solution can now benefit from better integration between D2D and ILLiad.

The following scenarios are addressed:

 Note:  Customers must be on version 9 of ILLiad to take advantage of this new feature.

An ILLiad Monitor Service will run in the hosted environment at the Data Center to facilitate the transfer and updates of the requests between the two systems.

In order to configure this monitor service OCLC Relais requires the following information from each customer/library wishing to utilize this integration:

  1. ILLiad API Key (library specific)
  2. ILLiad Base URL (library specific)
  3. Include Email Address (Y/N)
    • Indicates if ILLiad Monitor Service will send the patron’s email to ILLiad when a new user (patron) is automatically created in ILLiad by the service. By default, this setting is set to Yes.
  4. Include Mailing Address (Y/N)
    • Indicates if ILLiad Monitor Service will send the patron’s mailing address when a Request is transferred from Relais to ILLiad. By default, this setting is set to No.

Please contact your support representative via Support Center + if you wish to have this option configured within your D2D environment.