Talis Aspire reading lists

Discover how to find Talis Aspire reading list information in WorldShare Record Manager.

 Note: Your library must have active subscriptions for WorldShare Management Services or WorldCat Discovery and Talis Aspire reading lists. To configure access, see Talis Aspire Reading Lists.

If your library has enabled the use of Talis Aspire reading lists, you can view if a record (or related editions of a record) is on one or more Talis Aspire reading list(s). Reading list information is displayed in multiple locations in WorldShare Record Manager.

Locatie View Reading List Links
Enhanced Search Results
Condensed Search Results
Hover over the information icon (Information icon) to view reading list links. Click a reading list link to view the reading list(s) that include the item in a pop-up dialog.
LHR editor Click a reading list link in the LHR editor header to view the reading list(s) that include the item in a pop-up dialog.
MARC 21 editor Click a reading list link in the MARC 21 editor to view the reading list(s) that include the item in a pop-up dialog.
Text View editor Click a reading list link in the Text View editor to view the reading list(s) that include the item in a pop-up dialog.
Reading Lists screen From the Enhanced Search Results screen, click Open Details > Reading Lists to view the reading list(s) that include the item.
From the Condensed Search Results screen, click the Show Actions button (Show Actions button) in the Action column and select Open Details from the pop-up menu to view the reading list(s) that include the item.

From the search results screens or the editors, you may see either of the following reading list links:

From the pop-up dialog or the Reading Lists screen, you may see either of the following headings:

You can click a reading list from the pop-up dialog or Reading Lists screen to open it in Talis Aspire in a new browser tab.

 Note: When you delete an LHR from a bibliographic record that is on a reading list, you'll see a warning message to prevent you from unintentionally deleting it.