Check for duplicate call numbers

Discover how to manually check for duplicate call numbers in a local holdings record in WorldShare Record Manager.

Using the Check Duplicate Call Number feature in the MARC 21 or Text View editor results in an automatic check of call numbers entered to identify if there are any duplicates found in your system, and provides a warning message duplicates are found.


Check for duplicate call numbers in the MARC 21 editor

  1. From the LHRs accordion, click the Edit button (LHR edit button) for the local holdings record you want to check for duplicate call numbers.
  2. From the Record drop-down list, select Check Duplicate Call Number.
  3. If the call number in the LHR already exists, you will receive a pop-up message with a link to the record(s) with the call number(s).

Check for duplicate call numbers in the Text View editor

  1. From the LHR editor, click Record > Change Display to Text View.
  2. Click View/Edit in the Action column for the LHR you want to edit.
  3. Click Check Duplicate Call Number in the upper right of the item details.
  4. If the call number in the LHR already exists, you will receive a pop-up message with a link to the record(s) with the call number(s).