View WorldCat holdings for a bibliographic record

Discover how to view all WorldCat holdings for a bibliographic record in WorldShare Record Manager.

The WorldCat Holdings screen allows you to view which libraries in WorldCat have added their holdings to a bibliographic record. You can access the WorldCat Holdings screen from any of the following screens:

WorldCat Holdings screen

1. Tabs

The tabs across the top of the screen allow you to view WorldCat holdings by specific groups. Click a tab to view:

Each tab contains the following columns.

Column Description
Library The name of the institution. You can sort this column alphabetically.
Symbol The OCLC symbol for the institution. You can sort this column alphabetically.
Locatie The location of the institution.
  • For institutions inside the United States, the location is identified as state, country (e.g., OH, US).
  • For institutions outside of the United States, the location is identified as continent, country (e.g., EU, DE).
Supplier Indicates whether or not the institution is an ILL supplier.
Holdings Displays a local holdings record summary link if the institution has LHR data associated with the record.
  1. Click Local Holdings Available to view the LHR(s).
    • If the record has a single associated LHR, the LHR dialog opens.
    • If the record has multiple associated LHRs, the View Multiple LHRs screen opens. Click a call number or barcode to open the LHR dialog.
  2. (Optional) Derive the library's local holdings record from the LHR dialog.
  3. Click Close or x to return to the record or the View Multiple LHRs screen.

Filter holdings by institution

You can filter holdings by OCLC symbol using the Filter by Institution(s) filter.

  1. Enter up to 400 OCLC symbols in the Filter by Institution(s) field. When entering multiple OCLC symbols, separate each symbol with a comma or space. To find OCLC symbols, see the Directory of OCLC members.
  2. Click Apply Filter to narrow the holdings.
  3. (Optional) Click Reset to remove the filter.

2. Results

The number of results you receive and your place in the results list appears at the top and bottom of the results list.

3. Rows

The number of rows per page and page navigation buttons appear at the top and bottom of the results list.