About WorldCat updates

See an overview of settings for WorldCat updates and how updated records related to other collection types in Collection Manager.

About WorldCat updates

You have the option to receive updated records when records in WorldCat are enhanced for your holdings in WorldCat. You can choose to receive updated records when the WorldCat record changes only for titles in your knowledge base and in your on-going query collections in Collection Manager, or you can choose to get those updated records and get updated records when the WorldCat record changes for titles in your WorldCat holdings.


To access the WorldCat Updates settings, navigate to Institution Settings > MARC Records and select the WorldCat Updates tab. For additional instructions, see Institution MARC Records settings, WorldCat Updates.


Merged records

By design, Collection Manager will deliver updated records for OCLC number merges for titles from collections that output records on an ongoing basis, regardless as to whether you have enabled WorldCat Updates. You will also receive updated records when a URL changes, is added, or is deleted and when other essential changes to knowledge base data are made. You do not need to do anything to receive these updated records and you can leave the default settings selected.

Files of merged records will be delivered in a separate file that includes the word "merges" in the file name. If you enable the option for separate file delivery within a collection's record delivery settings, the file name will include both "merges" and the file name you defined. All files of merged records will be delivered in Metadata > My Files. If you use FTP, merged records will be in the Updates folder.

Example file of merged records (default):


Example file of merged records for a file with separate file delivery:


Merged records will come to you as a update record whether or not you enable WorldCat updates. Merged records are delivered in separate files from other update records. See Files of records and file names.

Settings that help you manage WorldCat updates

The instructions to Enable WorldCat updates will help you configure these settings:

Considerations for cataloging partner collections

Because cataloging partner collections are part of your holdings in WorldCat, you have the option to receive updated records based on changes to the WorldCat record for your holdings in WorldCat. If you enable WorldCat updates, take care to preserve your provider data when you overlay updated records with those in your system. WorldCat update records will NOT have any of your mapped cataloging partner collection provider data.

Additionally, please note:

The type of enhancement that triggers the output of an updated record depends on the update conditions and the including and excluding conditions that you define.