The translation on this website may be generated by machine translation. The quality and accuracy of machine translation can vary significantly from one text to another. Read the page in original English here.
Get WorldCat records and holdings for content from Ingram Library Services.
Create a cataloging partner collection
Create a Collection Manager account
If you need access to Collection Manager (the Metadata tab in the WorldShare interface), follow the steps to Create a Collection Manager account.
Coordinate with your provider
After you order items from your provider, at your request your provider will send OCLC an electronic invoice with your order information to OCLC. Please note:
The account number and collection ID you enter in Collection Manager must match what your provider sends to OCLC on your behalf.
Configure settings and create the collection in Collection Manager
Get WorldCat MARC records that include your electronic order information. See the guide Create a cataloging partner collection which includes instructions to: