How can I tell why an update MARC record was issued?
Applies to
- WorldShare Collection Manager
OCLC gives the specific field which has changed and triggered an update record. For example, "WorldCat record variable field() change: 505 and 650". You can map your records to include this information by adding record customization in Institution level settings.
More information is available under Reasons for updated records. This information is in the "Reasons for updated records" area.
Within your institution's Collection Manager instance, you'll find these fields via Institution settings -> MARC Records -> Customize Records tab -> Add Fields
Using Add Fields, add fields such as 599 or 999.
We suggest adding these three values.
Value = Reason for Record Output
Value = Collection Level Data and then from the drop down choose Type = Collection Name
Value = Collection Level Data and then from the drop down choose Type = Collection ID
You can also add Collection Level Data and add Type = Provider.
Be sure to click the blue Save button near the top of your screen after making changes and before stepping off of the screen.
Additional information
Reasons for updated records are listed in our help documentation.