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OCLC Support

Is there a character limit on URLs in KBART files

Applies to
  • WorldCat knowledge base KBART files

Yes, the limit is not more than 2048 characters per URL.

WorldCat knowledge base (WCKB) collections, populated by KBART files that contain URLs of over 2048 characters will not be able to be opened or access. This error, or a similar error, will display: “Internal Server Error "Request ID:RBT-8GKK-MNT URL: /wms/cmnd/content/kbwc-msc-ui-webapp/cmnd/collection//customer.4808.44" 

You will need to shorten the URL, how you do that is up to you.


These are overly long URLs retrieved from a collection displaying the error cited above, when trying to open the collection.  





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