WorldShare Collection Manager Release Notes, November 2022
Release Date: November 15th, 2022
This release of WorldShare Collection manager provides new features and enhancements. These enhancements are the direct result of your feedback.
- Addition of a Title History Accordion at the Collection Level
- Local Data Preservation
New features and enhancements
Addition of Title History Accordion at the Collection Level
A title history accordion has been added below the collection history accordion at the collection level
When titles are updated your library users will be able to see all title changes in one accordion in addition to the title history view at the title level. This will allow users to go to one place to view all title changes and apply filters so that workflows will be more efficient, and all change history is quickly viewable.
Title History Accordion
Expanded Title History Accordion with search filters
Addition of Local Data Preservation
Local Data Preservation
When WorldCat holdings are updated due to an OCLC number change in the WorldCat knowledge base, OCLC will automatically move local data (Local Bibliographic Data/Local Holding Records) to the new record in WorldCat. This benefits your library's users as local data moves to the correct WorldCat record held by your library.
Support website(s)
Support information for this product and related products can be found at: