Through the Entity Management API users can create and edit WorldCat Entity data.
Note: Included with OCLC Meridian Subscription.
To learn about OCLC APIs and get started with the Entity Management API, see:
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Retrieve - GET v1/management/entities/{id}
Retrieve References - GET v1/management/entities/{id}/references
Retrieve History - GET v1/management/entities/{id}/history
Update Entity - PATCH v1/management/entities/{id}
Create Entity - POST v1/management/entities/
Functionality | Authorization scope |
Read brief entity data | entity-management:read_brief_entities |
Read entity references | entity-management:read_references |
Read entity history | entity-management:read_history |
Read Entities | entity-management:read_entities |
Edit Entities including adding, updating and deleting claims | entity-management:edit_entities |
Create Entities | entity-management:create_entities |
Merge Entities | entity-management:merge_entities |
Scope: entity-management:read_entities
GET command:
{ "sameAs": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "administrativelyPartOf": [ "" ], "@context": "", "id": "", "prefLabel": { "ar": "كولومبيا", "be": "Горад Калумбія", "bg": "Колумбия", "bn": "কলাম্বিয়া", "da": "Columbia", "de": "Columbia", "el": "Κολούμπια", "en": "Columbia", "eo": "Columbia", "es": "Columbia", "fa": "کلمبیا، کارولینای جنوبی", "fi": "Columbia", "fr": "Columbia", "fy": "Kolumbia", "gu": "કોલંબિયા", "he": "קולומביה", "hi": "कोलंबिया", "hy": "Կոլումբիա", "id": "Columbia", "io": "Columbia", "it": "Columbia", "ja": "コロンビア", "ka": "კოლუმბია", "ko": "컬럼비아", "ky": "Колумбия", "lt": "Kolumbija", "lv": "Kolumbija", "mk": "Колумбија", "mr": "कोलंबिया", "nl": "Columbia", "nn": "Columbia i Sør-Carolina", "no": "Columbia", "oc": "Columbia", "os": "Колумби", "pi": "कोलम्बिया", "pl": "Columbia", "pt": "Colúmbia", "ru": "Колумбия", "sa": "कोलम्बिया", "sc": "Colùmbia", "sk": "Columbia", "sr": "Коламбија", "sv": "Columbia", "ta": "கொலம்பியா", "te": "కొలంబియా", "uk": "Колумбія", "ur": "کولمبیا، جنوبی کیرولائنا", "yi": "קאלאמביע", "zh": "哥伦比亚", "mrj": "Колумби", "sgs": "Kuolumbėjė" }, "altLabel": { "en": [ "South Carolina--Columbia" ] }, "elevation": [ { "type": [ "Measurement" ], "unit": { "type": [ "Concept" ], "prefLabel": { "en": "feet" } }, "hasValue": "89" } ], "population": [ { "type": [ "Measurement" ], "hasValue": "133803" } ], "type": [ "AdministrativeArea" ], "typeDetail": [ "" ], "geographicCoordinates": [ "Point(-81.03481 34.00071)" ], "description": { "en": "seat of a first-order administrative division in Richland County, South Carolina, United States, North America" } }
Scope: entity-management:read_references
GET command:
[ { "digId": null, "version": 1, "agent": "127950", "entity_type": "AdministrativeArea", "change_type": "add", "change_date": "2024-06-03T17:39:14.2Z", "change_data": { "spatialArea": { "type": [ "Measurement" ], "unit": { "type": [ "Concept" ], "prefLabel": { "en": "sq mi" } }, "hasValue": "45.00" } }, "count": 0 }, { "digId": null, "version": 2, "agent": "127950", "entity_type": "AdministrativeArea", "change_type": "remove", "change_date": "2024-06-03T17:39:20.65Z", "change_data": { "spatialArea": { "type": [ "Measurement" ], "unit": { "type": [ "Concept" ], "prefLabel": { "en": "sq mi" } }, "hasValue": "45.00" } }, "count": 0 } ]
Scope: entity-management:read_history
GET command:
[ { "property": "elevation", "reference_id": "E39PBJjCPhTpKwkW7gjMkpjBfq$9141ec9c-1173-4846-a198-1dfbfe50fd72", "reference_url": "", "claim_data": { "elevation": { "type": [ "Measurement" ], "unit": { "type": [ "Concept" ], "prefLabel": { "en": "feet" } }, "hasValue": "89" } } }, { "property": "administrativelyPartOf", "reference_id": "E39PBJjCPhTpKwkW7gjMkpjBfq$be9bd68f-8afb-4d6e-b273-e9153bfe1abe", "reference_url": "", "claim_data": { "administrativelyPartOf": "" } }, { "property": "geographicCoordinates", "reference_id": "E39PBJjCPhTpKwkW7gjMkpjBfq$975e69c2-1504-4f60-a6a3-37df452aa422", "reference_url": "", "claim_data": { "geographicCoordinates": "Point(-81.03481 34.00071)" } }, { "property": "population", "reference_id": "E39PBJjCPhTpKwkW7gjMkpjBfq$fe6f7019-7ac5-45e9-984d-ebe0803ebd9c", "reference_url": "", "claim_data": { "population": { "type": [ "Measurement" ], "hasValue": "133803" } } } ]
Scope: entity-management:edit_entities
[ { "op": "add", "path": "/occupation", "value": { "label": "Astronaut "languageCode": "en" } } ]
Scope: entity-management:create_entities
{ "entityData": { "id": "", "type": [ "Person" ], "altLabel": { "en": [ "alt label data" ] }, "prefLabel": { "en": "John Glenn", "pl": "John Glenn" }, "description": { "en": "American astronaut and politician (1921-2016)" }, "occupation": [ { "prefLabel": { "en": "Astronaut" }, "type": [ "Concept" ] } ] }, "qualityScore": { "disambiguation": "Partially disambiguated", "completeness": "Minimally complete", "composite": "28.57", "advice": "Contribute to the quality score by adding one of the following properties to the entity:", "properties": [ "relatedPlace", "honorificSuffix", "activeStartDate", "nominatedFor", "relatedFamily", "relatedPerson" ] }, "entityMd5": "05e340eed0d9a39a3084ca1f808b00f3" }