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Edit local holdings record: Details

Learn how to edit fixed-length and variable-length fields in local holdings records.

Required LHR fields

  • At a minimum, the following fields must be present and complete for a local holdings record to pass validation:
    • Leader
    • 007 - Physical Description
    • 008 - Fixed-length Data Elements
    • 852 - Location
  • In edit mode, required LHR fields are marked with an asterisk (*). Asterisks appear to the left of the plus sign (+) buttons used to expand fields.  

Edit fixed-length fields (Leader, 007, 008)

 Note: You cannot edit these fields directly. You must expand the field and then select the desired value for each element from a list of valid values.

Fixed-length field actions - Table
Action Procedure
Expand (open) field Click the Plus (+) button at the left end of the field.
Collapse (close) field and cancel changes Click Cancel.
Collapse (close) field and apply changes Click Apply. Content in the main text box reflects changes made using guided entry.
Select value for an element Click the down-arrow button to open the list. Then click the value you want.
View MFHD Help
  1. In the expanded field, click the hyperlinked label for an element.
  2. In the unexpanded field, on the Functions list, click Help.


  1. In the MARC Help box (top or bottom of record), type the tag number. Then click MARC Help.

Edit other LHR fields (variable-length fields)

 Note: If you are familiar with the MARC holdings format, you can edit LHR fields (except the Leader, 007, and 008) directly, without expanding the field to use guided data entry. Or expand the field and use lists and text boxes to define indicator values and subfield content.

Other LHR field actions - Table
Action Procedure
Enter or edit content directly In the text box for the field, define indicators and enter or edit appropriate subfield.
Expand (open) field Click the Plus (+) button at the left end of the field.
Collapse (close) field and cancel changes Click Cancel.
Collapse (close) field and apply changes Click Apply. Content in the main text box reflects changes made using guided entry.
Select indicator value or subfield value Click the down-arrow button to open the list of values for the indicator or subfield. Then click the value you want.
View MFHD Help
  1. In the expanded field, click the hyperlinked label for an element.
  2. In the unexpanded field, on the Functions list, click Help.


  1. In the MARC Help box (top or bottom of record), type the tag number. Then click MARC Help.
Add a subfield (expanded field)
  1. Open the Action list to the right of the subfield that precedes the one you want to add.
  2. Click Add Below.
  3. At the added subfield, open the list of available subfields.
  4. Click the type of subfield you want to add.
Delete a subfield (expanded field)
  1. Open the Action list to the right of the subfield you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete.
Move a subfield (expanded field)
  1. Open the Action list to the right of the subfield you want to move.
  2. Click the option you want. The choices depend on the current position of the subfield.

Selected LHR fields to include and/or update

LHR fields to include and/or update - Table
Record element Rule, description, and guideline
Summary Rule. Must be present.
Description. Free-text field that describes institution-level (overall) holdings for the item. Information in the Summary is entered when the institution's first LHR is linked to a bibliographic record. For batch-loaded holdings records, the Summary is system-supplied.
Content from the first LHR is automatically copied to Summary field in each additional LHR you create. When you create or replace an LHR, the Summary field from the new or updated LHR appears in all other LHRs linked to the bibliographic record.
Guideline. When you edit or add an LHR, update the Summary as necessary to reflect changes in the institution's total holdings for the item, across all copies. For new LHRs, the system may supply a default Summary, "Local holdings available." Replace the default text with a description of your institution's overall holdings.
Always requires editing in an LHR workform
Rule. Must be present.
Description. Coded information on the basic properties of the LHR and information used in processing.
Guideline. Verify Type of Record (Leader/06) and Encoding Level (Leader/17). The value for Encoding Level indicates the level of detail provided for the holdings data in the record. Both Type and Encoding Level may affect which other fields are required for validation and/or what values are valid in certain fields.
LHR workform: set Encoding Level. In a new LHR created using a workform, Encoding Level (Leader/17) is set to a fill character | (the vertical bar or pipe symbol), an invalid code. To validate the record, you must select a valid code for this element. Note that the Encoding Level value may require you to include other fields in the LHR.
007 Rule. Must be present.
Description. Physical description coded field. Purpose and format are identical to those of the 007 field in bibliographic records. Contains coded information on physical characteristics of the item.
Guideline. System supplies default values from a bibliographic record; which rarely needs editing when updating an LHR. For a new LHR or LH constant data record, edit as needed. Verify the value for Category of Resource (007/00). The Category of Resource determines the other 007 elements to be specified. The Category of Resource specified can determine options for coded holdings data in 853/863 fields.
008 Rule. Must be present.
Description. Contains coded information on acquisition, retention, completeness, lending policy, and reproduction policy.
Guideline. Always check and update the values for Lending Policy (008/20) and Reproduction Policy (008/21) to reflect current policies.
The WorldCat Resource Sharing service can use these codes to deflect ILL requests.

 Note: Lending and reproduction policies. When OCLC converted existing serial holdings records to MARC21 Format for Holdings Data (MFHD), the process set default values for Lending Policy (Undefined) and Reproduction Policy (Undefined). The same default values are set in LHR workforms for both serial and nonserial items.

  • When updating an LHR, check these values and adjust them to reflect your policies.
  • WorldCat Resource Sharing ignores the codes while they remain set to Undefined.
583 Rule. Optional and repeatable.
Description. Action note.
Guideline. Use as needed to report processing and preservation actions for the item held. Enter information in one or more of 19 possible subfields. Check specific guidelines for field and subfields (via links or MARC Help).
852 Rule. Must be present. System supplies your institution symbol in $a and holding library code (Sublocation) in $b.
Description. Location and sublocation, with optional data on classification scheme, shelving, etc. for the holding library.
Guideline. Check the holding library code in $b and edit as needed. If appropriate, add subfields to provide details on the item. Use $z for general holdings notes.
856 Rule. Optional.
Description. Electronic location and access. Information needed to access an electronic resource, such as an e-book or online journal. Identical to 856 field used in a bibliographic record. For example, $u can contain a URL for access to Web-based resources.
Guideline. Include if appropriate.
853/854/855 Rule. When present, must be paired with and linked to corresponding 863/864/865 field.
Description. Captions and publication patterns, for basic bibliographic units (853), supplements (854), and indexes (855).
Guideline. Enter and update details on publication: enumeration levels, chronology, frequency, numbering schemes, etc. Verify coding of linking subfield $8 to ensure linking to the correct 863, 864, or 865 field.
863/864/865 Rule. When present, must be paired with and linked to corresponding 853/854/855 field.
Description. Enumeration and chronology, for basic bibliographic units (863), supplements (864), and indexes (865).
Guideline. Enter and update details on your holdings for the item, including beginning-ending dates and breaks in coverage. Document each gap in holdings in a separate $w. Subfields for enumeration, chronology, etc. correspond to subfields for the matching captions in linked 85x field. Verify coding of linking subfield $8 to ensure linking to the correct 853, 854, or 855 field.
866/867/868 Rule. Optional. May be included to supplement coded information on captions, patterns, enumeration, and chronology in 853-855 and 863-865. (Substituting free-text holdings data in 866/867/868 for coded holdings in 85x/86x fields is not recommended, but is permitted if necessary.)
Description. Free-text holdings information for basic bibliographic units (866), supplements (867), and indexes (868).
Guideline. Enter and update holdings information and notes. If the free-text data in 866/867/868 fields is related to coded data fields (85x/86x) in the LHR, verify that the correct linking and sequence numbers are present in subfield $8.
876-878 Rule. Optional.
Description. Item information
Guideline. Include if appropriate to document item status changes, use restrictions, etc. May need to code $8 to link to a related 863/864/865 field.

Use command shortcuts: Keystrokes for actions

Command shortcuts - Table
Action Procedure
Show the Command Shortcuts box above the record header. Press <Alt><K>.
Hide the Command Shortcuts box; show the Edit, Action, and View lists. Press <Alt><J>.
Show or hide the scrollbar in the Command Shortcuts box. Showing the scrollbar reduces the size of the box. Click Show/Hide Command Scrollbar.
Press <Alt><K> and then <|> (<Shift><\>).
Use a command shortcut when the Command Shortcuts box is visible. Or show the box and use a shortcut. Press and release <Alt><K> and then press the shortcut key for the command.
In the Command Shortcuts box, click the command you want to use.
Use a command shortcut when the Command Shortcuts box is hidden. Do not show the box; keep the Edit, Action, and View lists visible. Press and release <Alt><J> and then press the shortcut key for the command.

Record-level actions for editing an LHR

  • While editing, use the Edit, Action, and View lists to take these actions.
  • Or use the corresponding keystroke for the action.
Record-level actions - Table
Action Procedure
Cancel Changes
(Discard all changes made since you began editing the record. Do not continue editing.)
  1. On the Edit list click Cancel Changes or press <Alt><K> and then <2> (or <Alt><J> and then <2>). The system asks you to confirm that you want to discard changes you made while editing the record.
  2. Click OK to cancel edits.
    Click Cancel to keep your changes and continue editing the record.

  • Existing LHR. The system redisplays the record as retrieved from WorldCat, in display mode.
  • New LHR. The system removes the record and returns you to Search WorldCat screen.
Unedit Record
(Reverse all changes but keep record open for editing)
On the Edit list, click Unedit Record or press <Alt><K> and then <Z> (or <Alt><J> and then <Z>). For existing LHRs, the system redisplays the record as originally retrieved from WorldCat. The record remains in edit mode so you can continue editing.
Complete editing and preserve changes Take a final action on the local holdings record. Final actions are: Replace Record (for an updated LHR) and Add Record (to attach a new LHR). Before adding or replacing the record, the system automatically validates the record. If the record fails validation, correct the errors reported and then retry adding or replacing the record.
Display Record View the record in display-only view:
  1. On the Edit list click Display Record or press <Alt><K> and then <T> (or <Alt><J> and then <T>).
Back to Editing Return to edit mode after viewing a record in display-only mode:
  1. On the Edit list click Back to Editing or press <Alt><K> and then <L> (or <Alt><J> and then <L>).
Reformat Record On the Edit list, click Reformat Record or press <Alt><K> and then <R> (or <Alt><J> and then <R>). Reformatting arranges fields in (approximate) ascending tag number order and removes empty fields.
Validate Record On the Edit list, click Validate Record or press <Alt><K> and then <V> (or <Alt><J> and then <V>). For a valid record, the system redisplays the record with a message confirming successful validation.
  • If the record contains errors, the system reports the number of errors. For each error, a message that identifies the problem(s) appears directly above the field. The message remains until you correct the error and the corrected record passes validation.
  • Read all error messages before making corrections.
  • Retry validation to remove the error messages from the screen.
Apply CD By Name
  1. On the Edit list, click Apply CD By Name or press <Alt><K> and then <5> (or <Alt><J> and then <5>). An entry opens above the record header.
  2. In the Specific CD Name text box, type the name of the LH constant data record you want to apply.
  3. Click Apply CD or press <Enter>.
Apply CD From List
  1. On the Edit list, click Apply CD From List or press <Alt><K> and then <6> (or <Alt><J> and then <6>).
  2. In the list of constant data records, click the hyperlinked name of the LH constant data record you want to apply.
Apply Default CD
(Not available if you have not set a local holdings constant data record as default LH CD)
On the Edit list, click Apply Default CD or press <Alt><K> and then <C> (or <Alt><J> and then <C>). The system merges your default local holdings constant data with the record you are editing.

Editing text: Techniques and keystrokes

Editing techniques and keystrokes - Table
Action Procedure
Move cursor from any variable-length field to the 007 field Press <Alt></> (slash).
Move to the top or bottom of the record screen
  1. Press <Ctrl><Home> to move to the first input box on the screen.
  2. Press <Ctrl><End> to move to the last input box on the screen.


  1. Click the down arrow button (right end of blue header and footer bar).
Show or hide the Functions list Press <Alt><Y>.
Go to the Active Records screen Press <Ctrl><Shift><9>.
Change text In the text box for the field, use standard editing keys (<Insert>, <Backspace>, <Delete>, arrow keys) to move the insertion point and remove or add characters.
Delete text
  1. In the Functions list click Delete Text. The system removes the text of the field; tag and indicators remain.
Empty fields removed
The empty field is removed if you reformat the record or take a final action.
Undo last text change To reverse the most recent text change, use the standard Windows undo keystroke: <Ctrl><Z>.
Enter diacritics and special characters
Character chart window
Internet Explorer for Windows only 
  1. Place the cursor where you want to insert a diacritic or special character.
  2. Press <F7>.
  3. In the Enter Diacritics and Special Characters window, click a character or diacritic to insert it at the cursor position.
Table of ALA-defined diacritics and special characters
  1. On the header bar (black bar at the top of every system screen), click Diacritics.
  2. Use the table to identify a character, find a character by name, or copy a character for input in a record.
Add a field or multiple fields
  1. Move to the field below which you want to add field(s).
  2. In the Functions list, click Add Single Field Below or Add Multiple Fields.
  3. In the dialog box, type the number of fields to add (1-10). Click OK.
  4. Inserted fields duplicate the MARC tag of the preceding field. Change the tags and supply indicators as appropriate.
Copy field
  1. In the Functions list, click Copy Field.
  2. Move to the field below which you want to insert the copied field.
  3. In the Functions, list click Paste Field.
Move field (cut and paste)
  1. In the Functions list, click Cut Field.
  2. Move to the field below which you want to insert the moved field.
  3. In the Functions, list click Paste Field.
Delete field In the Functions list, click Delete Field.
Enter subfield delimiter

Enter a subfield delimiter (‡):

  1. Type a single dollar sign($).
  2. Press <Shift><4> to create the $.
  3. Connexion shows the dollar sign as a subfield delimiter (‡) in display mode.
Dollar sign as currency symbol

To enter a dollar sign as a currency symbol (not to represent a subfield delimiter):

  1. Type 2 dollar signs ($$). Do not type a space between the 2 dollar signs.