Apply constant data to a local holdings record
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Learn how to apply and retrieve local holdings constant data records in WorldShare Record Manager.
WorldShare Record Manager allows you to apply the information in a local holdings constant data record to a local holdings record. You can use any local holdings constant data record that was created by any individual at your institution.
Apply default local holdings constant data to a local holdings record
Note: This action can only be performed if a default local holdings constant data record has been selected. To select a default local holdings constant data record, navigate to Toolbox > Constant Data.
- From the MARC 21 editor, click the Call Number for the record in the LHRs accordion.
Search for a local holdings record and then click the Call Number for the record on the search results screen.
- From the LHR editor, click Record.
- From the Record drop-down menu, select Apply Default Constant Data from the LHR Constant Data flyout menu.
- A confirmation message appears will appear with the name of the applied constant data record and the field(s) overlayed from the constant data record.
- All fields populated by the applied constant data record appear highlighted in light blue.
- Click Save. The record is saved with new field information from the local holdings constant data record.
Apply local holdings constant data to a local holdings record using local holdings constant data preview
- From the MARC 21 editor, click the Call Number for the record in the LHRs accordion.
Search for a local holdings record and then click the Call Number for the record on the search results screen.
- From the LHR editor, click Record.
- From the Record drop-down menu, select Apply and Preview Constant Data from the LHR Constant Data flyout menu.
The Apply Constant Data screen allows you to:
- Preview the local holdings record with the local holdings constant data record applied. The overlayed constant data record data is highlighted in blue. The hyperlinked LHR control number will direct you to the local holdings record in the LHR editor.
- View the selected bibliographic constant data record. The hyperlinked constant data name will direct you to the bibliographic constant data record in the constant data record editor.
- Select a constant data record name from the drop-down menu. Your default local holdings constant record is selected by default, but any saved local holdings constant data record can be selected. This menu contains an auto-suggest text field. Auto-suggestions for available local holdings constant data records start with the first keystroke in the text field.
- Select the constant data fields to apply to the current record from the drop-down list.
- Fixed fields
- Variable fields
- Fixed and variable fields (default)
- Select which 852 subfields you would like to preserve from the Preserved 852 Subfields drop-down list. By default, $h Classification part and $i Item part are selected.
- Available 852 subfields
- $a Location
- $b Sublocation or collection
- $c Shelving location
- $d Former shelving location
- $e Address
- $f Coded location qualifier
- $g Noncoded location qualifier
- $h Classification part
- $i Item part
- $j Shelving control number
- $k Call number prefix
- $l Shelving form of title
- $m Call number suffix
- $n Country code
- $p Piece designation
- $q Piece physical condition
- $s Copyright article-fee code
- $t Copy number
- $u Uniform Resource Identifier
- $x Nonpublic note
- $z Public note
- $2 Source of classification or shelving scheme
- $3 Materials specified
- Click Apply Constant Data. A confirmation message will appear with the name of the applied constant data record and the field(s) overlayed from the constant data record.
- Click Save. A confirmation message will appear which states that the local holdings record has been added successfully.
If the record was unable to be derived, an error message will appear. Correct any errors and repeat step 8.