Get WorldCat MARC records for knowledge base collections (Fundamentals)
Collection Manager delivers records for titles in OCLC Cataloged collections only. It automatically outputs new, updated, and delete records so your collections, access URLs, and title metadata stay up-to-date. Follow the instructions to enable MARC record delivery and customize your records.
OCLC Cataloged collections only.
Note: MARC record delivery is available for- Configure institution MARC Records settings for knowledge base collections (Fundamentals)
- Enable record delivery in your institution settings and customize your profile for MARC record delivery of OCLC cataloged collections in Collection Manager Fundamentals.
- Enable record delivery in your collection (Fundamentals)
- Enable record delivery within each of your OCLC cataloged collections. Add collection-specific notes and configure collection settings like separate file delivery.
- Download files in My Files (Fundamentals)
- Download your files of MARC records for OCLC Cataloged collections in Collection Manager Fundamentals.
- MARC Record delivery troubleshooting (Fundamentals)
- Find information about the qualities necessary for MARC record output and possible reasons for missing records.