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OCLC Support

How do we update our repository URL in Digital Collection Gateway?

  • "There was a problem connecting to your repository" error
Applies to
  • Digital Collection Gateway

The Digital Collection Gateway (DCG) syncs items through to WorldCat and matches on those items using the 029 field. If any part of this field changes, DCG will no longer see the record and will create a new record. Part of the 029 field is the repository URL, so changing the URL without first deleting the items from WorldCat will cause every item in your repository to duplicate in WorldCat. 

In order to avoid this, we will need to work with OCLC's Bibchange team to remove the items from WorldCat so they may be resynced through via a new repository URL. Please contact OCLC Support with the following information:

  • Your Digital Collection Gateway username
  • Your old repository URL
  • Your new repository URL

We ask that you set the syncing schedule for each collection under this repository to Never so that items are not synced back through after being deleted.

Please be aware that deleting these records can take up to 6 weeks, depending on how many there are. Furthermore, records will only be deleted as long as no other library has set holdings or enhanced the record in any way. 

Additional information

Digital Collection Gateway considers a change from http to https to be a completely different URL. 

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