Connexion client known issues
Connexion client 3.X known issues
Issue | Details |
Macro slowness and freezing Some users have reported issues when working with macros that use dialog screens that have caused macros to run slow or crash. |
Workaround: Restarting Connexion client may help with macro slowness. Affects: 2.63, 3.1 |
Running multiple Connexion windows at the same time Due to the update to 64-bit, multiple instances of Connexion Client cannot run at the same time. |
Workaround: Using the View > Pinned menu option within Connexion Client when looking at multiple records at a time or using a virtual machine to run multiple instances of Connexion Client at one time. Affects: 3.1 |
Client 3.X is not compatible with unsupported versions of Microsoft Office Connexion client 3.X is not compatible with versions of Microsoft Office that are no longer supported by Microsoft. |
Workaround: If you are using an older, 32-bit version of Microsoft Office that is out of support, we suggest that you either upgrade your Microsoft Office to a newer, supported version; or, that you do not upgrade to Connexion client 3.X, but instead continue to use version 2.63. Affects: 3.1 |
Help icon in the Connexion macro editor is no longer supported In the Connexion macro editor and debugger, there is a question mark icon that would previously take users to macro-specific help. This icon utilized a feature that is no longer supported by Microsoft. Due to the nature of the language used to code the macro editor, we are unable to remove this icon from the user interface. |
Workaround: There are two additional options for getting to the macro help:
Both options will take you to the OCLC Macro support site. Affects: 3.1 |
Cannot maximize (re-display) Connexion client from a minimized position in the task bar When you minimize the Connexion client, it becomes an icon in the task bar on your desktop, and you should be able to maximize/restore (redisplay) it by clicking the icon. If you are unable to maximize the client from the task bar icon, use one of the following workarounds. |
Workaround: Click the Connexion client icon in the task bar, and then press and hold the Windows key ( Affects: 2.63, 3.1 |
OCLC Gateway export destination no longer works after upgrading Connexion client If you set up an OCLC Gateway export destination in a previous version of the client, export may not behave as expected after you upgrade to Client 3.X. |
Workaround: Check or reset options.
Affects: 3.1, 2.63 |
250 field in Constant Data overwrites existing 250 field when applied The client does not recognize that the 250 field is repeatable. As a result, a 250 field in a constant data record will overwrite an existing 250 field when constant data is applied to a bibliographic record. |
Workaround: Enter the text you want to add to the 250 field in a tag that is not often used, and then change the tag number to 250 after you apply constant data. Affects: 2.63, 3.1 |
MARCXML record export from online save file generates an error If you are configured to export records in MARCXML, you will receive the following error message when attempting to export a single record from the online save file: Unable to cast object of type 'ConnexionUISchema.CDFRecType1' to type 'ConnexionUISchema.CDFRecType’ |
Workaround: To avoid receiving an error message:
Affects: 2.63 |
Persian transliteration issues The Persian transliterator:
Affects: 2.63, 3.1 |
Cannot access Connexion-client-specific macro commands from the OCLC Connexion Macro Editor and Debugger window The Help button ( ![]() |
Affects: 2.63, 3.1 |
Updating holdings on records imported into the client via Z39.50 (Tools menu) does not work If you use Update Holdings to add a Z39.50-retrieved local system record to WorldCat (the client imports the record as a workform), you receive a message that field 001 is missing the OCLC number. As a workform, the record should not have an OCLC number in field 001. This is a system error. |
Workaround: Derive a new record from the Z39.50 imported record and then add to WorldCat using Update Holdings. Affects: 2.63, 3.1 |
If you do not uninstall the client before upgrading, changing the "Install for everyone or just for you" setting during upgrade makes the client inoperable Note: OCLC recommends uninstalling before you upgrade to prevent possible problems like this one. When you upgrade the client without first uninstalling, in the window where you select an option to install for everyone who uses the workstation or just for you, you must select the same option you selected during your original installation. If you don't and the client becomes inoperable, you must uninstall and re-install the new version. To determine which selection you made for the original client installation, check the location of the OCLC Connexion client desktop shortcut:
Affects: 2.63, 3.1 |
RDA Toolkit direct field link resolves to login screen When the RDA Toolkit field help link is used within the bibliographic record editor, the link would resolve to the main RDA Toolkit login screen instead of directly to the specific field page. |
Workaround: Login to the RDA Toolkit web page and navigate to the field page. Affects: 2.63 |
The first time you display a WorldCat record using a new user profile, the record window is not maximized in the client window The first WorldCat record displayed using a new user profile is a truncated view in the upper left part of the work area in the client window. To maximize the record window, use Window, Tile Vertically or Tile Horizontally. |
Affects: 2.63 |
For online constant data (CD) only, diacritics and special characters in CD name and CD My Status cause errors Has been added as a Caution to client documentation and Help in the same topic specified in the known problem directly above. The cautionary note has a list of the characters that cause errors. |
Affects: 2.63, 3.1 |
MARC-8 Characters Verify no longer highlights non-MARC-8 characters If you put characters that are outside of the MARC-8 character set into a record and perform the MARC-8 Characters Verify command, the change to accepting all Unicode characters prevents this function from isolating characters that are not part of the MARC-8 character set. |
Affects: 2.63, 3.1 |
Searches using characters above Unicode Plane Zero return incorrect results Connexion client is currently unable to send the correct characters if characters entered are above the basic multilingual plane (BMP). The client handles Unicode characters in the BMP, which contains characters with a code point between U+0000 and U+FFFF. The BMP includes all the characters originally supported for cataloging in addition to many more. However, some language characters are found using supplementary planes and code points, such as CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B which has characters between U+20000 and U+2A6DF. |
Affects: 2.63, 3.1 |
CJK E-Dictionary search results are incomplete When you use the E-Dictionary Search window (that is, click Tools > CJK E-Dictionary, enter an input code or character in the search box, select an input method and a script, and click Find), the E-Dictionary Search Results window shows only the EACC data in the first column. The other columns are missing data. |
Workaround: In the E-Dictionary Search Results window, double-click the EACC entry. The E-Dictionary Entry window opens, showing all of the codes that are supposed to display in the search results. Affects: 2.63, 3.1 |
Issues with controlling headings See Control headings for known issues that impact controlling headings in Connexion client 2.63. |
Affects: 2.63, 3.1 |
Connexion client 2.63 known issues
Note: Known issues are organized by type of functionality
Upgrade the client of your operating system
Issue | Detail |
Notification you are not using the newest version of Connexion client Some users are reporting after a Windows security feature update, they are seeing a pop up notification that says, "A new version of the Connexion client is available. You must upgrade to the new version before the announced cutoff date to continue using the client." 2.63 version will continue to be supported. |
Workaround: Close the pop up notification. 2.63 version will continue to be supported. Affects: 2.63 |
Macro slowness and freezing Some users have reported issues when working with macros that use dialog screens that have caused macros to run slow or crash. |
Workaround: Restarting Connexion client may help with macro slowness. Affects: 2.63, 3.1 |
RDA Toolkit direct field link resolves to login screen When the RDA Toolkit field help link is used within the bibliographic record editor, the link would resolve to the main RDA Toolkit login screen instead of directly to the specific field page. |
Workaround: Login to the RDA Toolkit web page and navigate to the field page. Affects: 2.63 |
False "Unidentified publisher" system warning in Windows 7, 8/8.1, and Windows 10 upon startup of client 2.63 If you use version 2.63 of the Connexion client in Windows 7, 8/8.1, or Windows 10, you receive the following Windows User Account Control (UAC) system warning each time you start the client: An unidentified program wants access to your computer. connex.exe Unidentified publisher "C:\Program Files (x86)\OCLC\Connexion\Program\Connex.exe" The enhanced security in modern versions of Windows triggers UAC when the client is started. Click Yes to grant permission. The client will open and run as expected. Downloading and installing the client Auto-fix will suppress UAC prompts when opening the client. |
Affects: 2.63 |
During upgrade, installation fails; you are asked for Connexion.msi path In some cases, the upgrade installation may fail with a message asking the path to your Connexion.msi file. Please contact OCLC Support for help in resolving this problem. |
Affects: 2.63 |
The installation program may re-run the first time you open the client after installing the client-only software If this problem occurs, it happens only the first time you run the new version. The problem does not affect the client's performance. |
Affects: 2.63 |
An OCLC Gateway export destination you set up before upgrading may not work after upgrading if you did not uninstall the previous client version If you set up an OCLC Gateway export destination in a previous version of the client, export may not behave as expected after you upgrade to Client 2.63. |
Workaround: Check or reset options.
Affects: 3.1, 2.63 |
The first time you use the client shortcut icon (![]() This problem may occur only for those who use Windows XP or Vista and run the client under a User security level. If this happens, create a new shortcut and delete the non-functional one:
Tip: To shorten or change the name of the icon you created, single-click the text attached to the icon, and then single-click again to select and edit the text. |
Affects: 2.63 |
The client may be missing the graphical diacritics and special characters selection box after you upgrade if you did not uninstall the previous client version The Enter Diacritics and Special Characters window ( Edit > Enter Diacritics) has both pictures of diacritics and characters and a drop-down list of their names, from either of which you can choose a character to enter in a record or a search. If you are missing the graphics in this window, close the client and all open programs, and then close down and restart your workstation. Note: Even when the graphics are missing, you can still select a character from the list. |
Affects: 2.63 |
If you do not uninstall the client before upgrading, changing the "Install for everyone or just for you" setting during the upgrade makes the client inoperable
To determine which selection you made for the original client installation, check the location of the OCLC Connexion client desktop shortcut:
Affects: 2.63 |
You may be denied access to OCLC files after you upgrade, preventing you from running the client You may receive an "Access denied" error the first time you run the client after installing. The error message lists a file starting in the X:\Program Files\OCLC\Connexion\Program folder and may list others. Access may be denied to the following files, among others:
To run the client in the users group, follow this one-time procedure:
Affects: 2.63 |
Issue | Detail | ||||||||||||||||
Change to heading appearance of headings in a browse list when the ending punctuation of the heading is different As part of the Connexion install, changes have been made to authorities indexing. These include the resolution of the longstanding problem that resulted in misleading subfield codes: Occasionally, a heading appears in browse results with a subfield code that is misleading. However, when you view the record, the subfield code that appears in the results list is not present in the record. An example of this is browsing the LCSH index for the heading Noah's Ark. In the root index, the heading is presented as $t Noah's Ark; however, when you view the record, the heading Noah's Ark appears in $a, not $t. There is only a single subject authority record for Noah's ark, in which the heading appears only in $a (LCCN sh 85092133). But the text Noah's ark appears in $t in 9 other authority records. |
As part of the new indexing, users will find a change in the appearance of headings in a browse list when the ending punctuation of the heading is different. This change to indexing results in multiple listings: ROOT:
Affects: 2.63 |
Internet Resources appear under Books in the group list, but actually are correctly retrieved by your search Currently, records that meet specific requirements (presence of 856 with appropriate indicators) are given the primary document type of Internet Resources, but Connexion group lists do not yet include Internet Resources as a separate group heading. Instead, Internet resource records are included under Books in group lists, regardless of how the fixed field is coded. These groupings are for display purposes only, and reflect the actual format of the records, except for the inclusion of these Internet resources in any format. For example, the search pb:naxos and hl:trios and mt:rec retrieves records for streaming video that are grouped under the Books format, even though the records are in the sound recordings format, with 006 fields for electronic resource/computer files, an 007 for sound recordings, and an 007 for the computer file. You can limit a search to non-Internet items (not mt:url) to retrieve and display non-Internet items under the "correct" format heading in a group list. If you intend to retrieve both Internet and non-Internet items, be aware that any Internet resource records that match the search will be found under the Books format if you get a WorldCat group list. |
Affects: 2.63, 3.1 | ||||||||||||||||
Searching authority records for headings that contain the percent (%) symbol Do not use the % symbol when searching the authority file. In some cases, keyword searches that includes the percent (%) symbol may result in an error message. |
Affects: 2.63 | ||||||||||||||||
Browsing authority records for personal names that have abbreviations followed by periods requires special treatment Substitute a space for the period in a personal name that contains an abbreviation followed by a period. |
Example: Enter sca pn:L , Harry. Do not enter L., Harry or L, Harry. Affects: 2.63 |
CJK script searches enclosed in double quotation marks are not working correctly Enclosing a WorldCat search string in quotation marks ( "[search string"]) retrieves only records containing the exact search string matched character by character. Currently, however, if the search string is a CJK script string, the results include both records containing the exact string (correct) and records containing each character in the string (treated as a word) (incorrect). |
Affects: 2.63
The first time you display a WorldCat record using a new user profile, the record window is not maximized in the client window The first WorldCat record displayed using a new user profile is a truncated view in the upper left part of the work area in the client window. To maximize the record window, use Window, Tile Vertically or Tile Horizontally. |
Affects: 2.63 | ||||||||||||||||
Incorrect record counts in browse results for authority records Browse results for authority records display headings and record counts from a list that the system does not update immediately when authority records are added or replaced. In the past, updates were immediate but caused an adverse effect on overall system response time. This was formerly a problem with WorldCat search results. |
Affects: 2.63 | ||||||||||||||||
Connexion sorts words that include diacritics out of order in WorldCat derived and keyword search results (Partly resolved with system changes November 2005 - resolved for derived search results only) When WorldCat derived and keyword search results include words with diacritics, the records sort out of sequence with words that do not have diacritics.
Affects: 2.63 |
Caution: Whether to retain or omit a comma in a browse term for the LC names and subjects authority file depends on the index you browse Retain a comma in a term you use to browse the LC authority file only when you browse the personal name index and the topical index. Exclude a comma from a term when you browse the LCSH index. |
Example: Browse for authors, english in the topicals index. Browse for authors english in the LCSH index. Affects: 2.63 |
Caution: Copying and pasting browse terms that contain diacritics to browse the LC authority file may prevent Connexion from normalizing results correctly If you paste terms that contain diacritics into the client from another program or file to browse the LC names and subjects authority file, Connexion may not be able to normalize the results correctly. |
Affects: 2.63 |
Issue | Detail |
Highlight with the mouse from right to left to delete a field may shift data in next field Has been added as a Caution to client documentation and Help. |
Affects: 2.63 |
Constant data
Issue | Detail |
250 field in Constant Data overwrites the existing 250 field when applied The client does not recognize that the 250 field is repeatable. As a result, a 250 field in a constant data record will overwrite an existing 250 field when constant data is applied to a bibliographic record. |
Workaround: Enter the text you want to add to the 250 field in a tag that is not often used, and then change the tag number to 250 after you apply constant data. Affects: 2.63, 3.1 |
For online constant data (CD) only, diacritics and special characters in CD name and CD My Status cause errors Has been added as a Caution to client documentation and Help in the same topic specified in the known problem directly above. The cautionary note has a list of the characters that cause errors. |
Affects: 2.63, 3.1 |
Save constant data from the local save file to the online save file fails if online record already has a record with the same name Has been added as a Caution to client documentation and Help in Cataloging/ Use Bibliographic Constant Data, Create, edit, or delete bibliographic constant data. |
Affects: 2.63, 3.1 |
Issue | Detail |
MARCXML record export from the online save file generates an error If you are configured to export records in MARCXML, you will receive the following error message when attempting to export a single record from the online save file: Unable to cast object of type 'ConnexionUISchema.CDFRecType1' to type 'ConnexionUISchema.CDFRecType’ |
Workaround: To avoid receiving an error message:
Affects: 2.63 |
Take actions
Issue | Detail |
Incorrect record(s) deleted in online save file The online save file screen does not automatically refresh after you delete initial records from the title list. The placement of the titles remains the same even though you have removed records from the list. As a result, it is possible to unintentionally delete records that you want to retain in subsequent deletions. |
Workaround: To avoid deleting incorrect records in subsequent deletions:
Affects: 2.63 |
False error message may result from system duplicate detection when new authority records are added or master records are replaced The system uses NACO Normalization rules to match the 1XX heading of any record you want to add or replace against the 1XX and 4XX name headings to detect duplicates. However, the system incorrectly ignores the first comma in subfield a, which results in an incorrect validation error message— This main entry exists in another authority record: LCCN=xx xxxxx ARN=ocaxxxxx. If you receive this message as a result of this problem, and the new/replace heading is not a duplicate, click OK to close the message, and simply re-issue the Add or Replace command to successfully add or replace the record. |
Affects: 2.63 |
An inappropriate message may appear when exporting authority records On occasion, you may receive the following message when you export authority records: "This main entry exists in another authority record: LCCN=n ######## ARN=oca########." You receive the message as a result of a process that normalizes the main entry to help reduce duplicate records. Currently, tags are not considered in the normalization process. The message occurs when you validate the record (Edit, Validate) before exporting or when you have the validation level set to "Full" in the Tools, Options, General tab (click Validation Level Options). |
If you used Edit, Validate, you can go ahead and export with no problem. If you have the validation level set to "Full," change it to "Basic" and then export the record. Affects: 2.63 |
Control headings
Note: The following control headings known issues also impactIssue | Detail |
Cannot control compound headings Compound headings containing ǂa[Geo] + ǂx History + ǂv Pictorial works or ǂv Sources cannot be controlled, even if they are valid. The suggested matches do not contain all of the subdivisions. |
Example: 651 [blank] 0 Québec (Québec) ǂx History ǂv Pictorial works. Example: 651 [blank] 0 Ohio ǂx History ǂv Sources. |
Controlling headings that contain the subdivision Colonies causes the geographic subdivision to switch places with the topical subdivision This combination of place with colonies is an issue within the heading control software for subjects. There is a portion of that process that looks at subdivisions and whether they can be geographically subdivided and then moves the geographic subdivision to that spot. In the case of these headings with colonies where you can further subdivide by a continent like Africa or Asia, we have two geographic subdivisions that are separated by a topical subdivision and the software doesn't get them into the correct order. We've known about this for a while and have a ticket in place with our developers to try and get that fixed, but that has not happened yet. So, once controlling is adjusted we'll be able to go back through and control them correctly. Otherwise, you ought to be able to add such a heading to a record, leave it uncontrolled, and make use of it that way. |
Punctuation: After controlling a heading, the punctuation in the controlled heading differs from the punctuation entered, and/or from the punctuation present in the authority record When controlling headings, the system matches headings against the authority file. This matching process invokes a normalization process, which collapses all punctuation and spaces, removes subfield delimiters and codes, and is not case sensitive. |
Workaround: If punctuation is incorrectly altered when you control a heading, OCLC prefers that you leave the heading controlled and then report the heading to A note about incorrect punctuation in the authority record:
Bibliographic record contains "controlled" 6xx headings with second indicators other than 0 In some bibliographic records, headings tagged as 6xx with indicators other than 0 (zero) are incorrectly highlighted as controlled headings. |
Transliteration, diacritics, non-Latin scripts
Issue | Detail |
Cursor does not always display at the end of the text when non-Latin script characters are pasted into a field When non-Latin characters are pasted into a field, the cursor may display in the middle of the text instead of at the end. |
Affects: 2.63 |
Latin Letter Aveolar (U+01C2) and Khosian Languages This character is also the subfield delimiter symbol in the client. The client interprets this character as a subfield delimiter and errors will occur if you attempt to use it in your bibliographic records for items in Khosian languages. Work in Record Manager if you need to use this character in your bibliographic records. |
Affects: 2.63, 3.1 |
MARC-8 Characters Verify no longer highlights non-MARC-8 characters If you put characters that are outside of the MARC-8 character set into a record and perform the MARC-8 Characters Verify command, the change to accepting all Unicode characters prevents this function from isolating characters that are not part of the MARC-8 character set. |
Affects: 2.63, 3.1 |
Searches using characters above Unicode Plane Zero return incorrect results Connexion client is currently unable to send the correct characters if characters entered are above the basic multilingual plane (BMP). The client handles Unicode characters in the BMP, which contains characters with a code point between U+0000 and U+FFFF. The BMP includes all the characters originally supported for cataloging in addition to many more. However, some language characters are found using supplementary planes and code points, such as CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B which has characters between U+20000 and U+2A6DF. |
Affects: 2.63, 3.1 |
CJK E-Dictionary search results are incomplete When you use the E-Dictionary Search window (that is, click Tools > CJK E-Dictionary, enter an input code or character in the search box, select an input method and a script, and click Find), the E-Dictionary Search Results window shows only the EACC data in the first column. The other columns are missing data. |
Workaround: In the E-Dictionary Search Results window, double-click the EACC entry. The E-Dictionary Entry window opens, showing all of the codes that are supposed to display in the search results. Affects: 2.63, 3.1 |
Using the keystroke shortcut <Ctrl><D> to enter a subfield delimiter and code in non-Latin script data may not switch you back to the language/keyboard you were using, as it should, or may switch you to a different language When you are entering non-Latin script data and use <Ctrl><D> to automatically switch to the English keyboard and back for entering a subfield delimiter and code, the client may not switch you back to the keyboard you were using after you enter the delimiter and code. You may remain in the English keyboard or you may be in a different keyboard. |
Workaround: To switch to the keyboard you need:
Affects: 2.63 |
In Connexion client version 2.00 and higher, the Microsoft Input Method Editor (MS IME) for Korean does not convert an existing Korean hangul character into a hancha or Chinese character If you convert a hangul syllable into a hancha or Chinese character immediately after you enter it, the conversion works correctly. The conversion does not work if you highlight an existing hangul syllable and then try to convert. The IME does not allow you to choose a Chinese character. The problem occurs with hangul syllables in records; it does not occur when you convert a hangul syllable in the WorldCat quick search box on the toolbar (or in a text box in the Search WorldCat dialog). |
Workaround: Copy the hangul syllable you want to convert and paste into the WorldCat quick search text box, convert it to a Chinese character, and then and copy and paste back into the record. Affects: 2.63 |
Other Persian transliteration problems The Persian transliterator:
Affects: 2.63, 3.1 |
The Arabic transliteration tool handles some characters incorrectly The list of incorrect characters has been added as a Caution in client documentation and Help in Cataloging/Use Non-Latin Scripts for Cataloging, Catalog using Arabic scripts. |
Affects: 2.63, 3.1 |
Issue | Details |
Cannot access Connexion-client-specific macro commands from the Editor/Debugger Help window The link in the Edit/Debugger Help window to open a list of Connexion-client-specific macro commands does not work and cannot be fixed. See Use macros for help with macros. |
Affects: 2.63, 3.1 |
Issue | Details |
Customized settings are lost There are several possible causes for the corruption of files containing customized settings. If you are having problems with losing your customized settings, please contact OCLC Support for help. |
Affects: 2.63 |
Thin blue line appears in the upper-left corner of Connexion client When a record is collapsed, it may cause a thin blue line to display under the tool bar. This issue is typically caused by closing Connexion but leaving records open in Connexion. |
Workaround: Click the Windows menu, and then click either Tile Horizontally or Tile Vertically. Affects: 2.63 |
Unable to open external links in Online Help The online help system in Connexion client is having some compatibility issues with some of the external web pages to which it links. |
Workaround: If you are having difficulty opening an external web page, you can copy the web address from the Properties dialog, which is available on the right-click menu for the web link. To open the website, you can then copy this information and paste it directly into address field for your browser. You can also search for the content on the OCLC Support site or open the links from the documentation that is found on the Connexion Support Web site. Affects: 2.63 |
Cannot maximize (re-display) Connexion client from a minimized position in the task bar When you minimize the Connexion client, it becomes an icon in the task bar on your desktop, and you should be able to maximize (re-display) it by clicking the icon. If you are unable to maximize the client from the task bar icon, use the following workaround. |
Workaround: Click the Connexion client button in the task bar, and then press and hold the Windows key ( Affects: 2.63, 3.1 |
Updating holdings on records imported into the client via Z39.50 (Tools menu) does not work If you use Update Holdings to add a Z39.50-retrieved local system record to WorldCat (the client imports the record as a workform), you receive a message that field 001 is missing the OCLC number. As a workform, the record should not have an OCLC number in field 001. This is a system error. |
Workaround: Derive a new record from the Z39.50 imported record and then add to WorldCat using Update Holdings. Affects: 2.63, 3.1 |