Find the syntax, use, parameters, return values, and an example for the Browse macro command in Connexion client.
Syntax | BOOL = CS.Browse (sDatabase, sIndex, sSearchTerm) |
Use to | Browse WorldCat or Authority File. Same as using the following menu commands:
Parameters |
Comments | You must be logged on to run this macro. |
Return values | TRUE if the browse is successful, or FALSE if not. |
Example | Sub Main() Dim CS As Object Set CS = GetObject(,“Connex.Client”) If CS.IsOnline = False Then CS.Logon ““, ““, ““ End If If CS.Browse(“WC”, “ti“, “gone with the wind”) = True Then MsgBox “Browse successful” Else MsgBox “Browse not successful” End If End Sub |
What this example does |
Browsing WorldCat
See Selected browsable indexes for more information about indexes, labels, and examples.
See Searching WorldCat Indexes for comprehensive descriptions of indexes.
Browsing the authority file: Indexes
Index | Label |
Personal Names | pn: (default) |
Corporate/Conference Names | co: |
Title | ti: |
Topicals | to: |
Geographic Names | gg: |
LCSH | su: |
Subdivision Headings | sb: |
LC Names | nw: |
Children's Subjects | sj: |