Search guidelines, indexes, and examples

Find search guidelines, indexes, and examples for use in Connexion client.

WorldCat searches

Database Identifier: WC

The search string for the Search macro command should follow the same format for a keyword/numeric or derived search that you would enter in the Command Line Search of the Search WorldCat window.

 Caution: Do not use the Search macro command to browse WorldCat. You must use the macro command Browse.


See Search WorldCat interactively for more information and for lists of selected indexes and examples.

See Searching WorldCat Indexes for comprehensive descriptions of indexes, guidelines, and examples.

Online bibliographic save file searches

Database Identifier: BS


Online bibliographic save file searches: Indexes and labels - Table
Index Label Values
Save File Number sf: (default) You supply
OCLC Control Number an: You supply
Title ti: You supply
URL am: You supply
Used Date us: You supply
My Status ms: You supply
Action Status as:
  • delete holdings completed
  • delete holdings failed
  • export completed
  • export failed
  • export ready
  • label completed
  • label failed
  • label ready
  • produce completed
  • produce failed
  • replace completed
  • replace failed
  • update holdings completed
  • update holdings failed
  • validate completed
  • validate failed
Workflow Status ws:
  • completed
  • in process
  • in review
  • new
Source Status ss:
  • derived
  • extracted
  • imported
  • oclc
  • workform
Review rs: submitted


 Note: If you record rather than write a macro, statuses are recorded with no spaces between words. When you write macros, you can retain the spaces. Values you enter are not case-sensitive.

Online bibliographic constant data searches

Database identifier: BD

Search examples:

Indexes and labels:

Local bibliographic save file searches

Database identifier: BL

Follow the same guidelines as for online bibliographic save file searches (except use the database identifier BL).

Local bibliographic save file searches: Indexes and labels - Table
Index Label Values
Save File Number sf: (default) You supply
OCLC Control Number an: You supply
Title ti: You supply
Name nm: You supply
Date dt: You supply
Standard Number sn: You supply
Holding Library Code cd: You supply
My Status ms: You supply
Workflow status ws:
  • completed
  • in process
  • in review
  • new
Action Status as:
  • delete holdings completed
  • delete holdings failed
  • delete holdings ready
  • delete holdings notset
  • export completed
  • export failed
  • export ready
  • export notset
  • label completed
  • label failed
  • label ready
  • label notset
  • produce completed
  • produce failed
  • produce ready
  • produce notset
  • replace completed
  • replace failed
  • replace ready
  • replace notset
  • update holdings completed
  • update holdings failed
  • update holdings ready
  • update holdings notset
  • validate completed
  • validate failed
  • validate notset
Source Status ss:
  • derived
  • extracted
  • imported
  • oclc
  • workform
Format ft:
  • books
  • computer files
  • maps
  • mixed materials
  • scores
  • serials
  • sound recordings
  • visual materials
Held Status hl:
  • true
  • false
Library lb:
  • dlc
  • pcc
  • nlm
  • gpo
  • agl
  • ukm
  • nlc
Retrieval order ro:
  • save file number
  • oclc control number
  • date/time added
  • name
  • title

 Note: If you record rather than write a macro, statuses are recorded with no spaces between words. When you write macros, you can retain the spaces. Values you enter are not case-sensitive.

Local bibliographic constant data searches

Database Identifier: BC

See examples for online bibliographic constant data searches (except use the database identifier BC).

Indexes and labels:

Online bibliographic review records

Database Identifier: BR

Use to find bibliographic records sent to your library for review by another library you specify by institution symbol. This works the same as selecting the Review File Records for Institution check box and entering your institution symbol in the Search Online Bibliographic Save File window via Cataloging > Search > Online Save File.

Index and label

Authority File searches

Database Identifier: AF


Indexes and labels:

Online authority save file searches

Database Identifier: AS


Online authority save file searches: Indexes and labels - Table
Index Label Values
Save File Number sf: (default) You supply
Personal Names pn: You supply
Corporate Names co: You supply
Conference Names cn: You supply
Titles ti: You supply
Topicals to: You supply
Geographic Names gg: You supply
Children's Subjects sj: You supply
LCCN ln: You supply
LCSH su: You supply
OCLC ARN an: You supply
Subdivision Headings sb: You supply
Replace Date rp: You supply
Workflow Status ws:
  • completed
  • in process
  • in review
  • new
  • responded
  • imported
Review Status rs:
  • submitted

 Note: If you record rather than write a macro, statuses are recorded with no spaces between words. When you write macros, you can retain the spaces. Values you enter are not case-sensitive.

Online authority constant data searches

Database Identifier: AD

Search examples:

Index and label:

Local authority save file

Database Identifier: AL

Follow the same guidelines as for online authority save file searches (except use the database identifier AL).

Local authority save file: Indexes and labels - Table
Index Label Values
Save File Number sf: (default) You supply
OCLC ARN an: You supply
Heading he: You supply
Workflow Status ws:
  • complete
  • in process
  • in review
  • new
My Status ms: You supply
MARC Organization Code cd: You supply
Record Locked lk:
  • true
  • false
Action Status as:
  • add completed
  • add failed
  • add ready
  • add notset
  • replace completed
  • replace failed
  • replace ready
  • replace notset
  • submit completed
  • submit failed
  • submit ready
  • submit notset
  • export completed
  • export failed
  • export ready
  • export notset
Retrieval order ro:
  • save file number
  • oclc arn
  • date/time added
  • heading

 Note: If you record rather than write a macro, statuses are recorded with no spaces between words. When you write macros, you can retain the spaces. Values you enter are not case-sensitive.

Local authority constant data searches

Database Identifier: AC

See examples of online authority constant data searches (except use the database identifier AC). 

Indexes and labels:

Online authority review records

Database identifier: AR

Use to find authority records sent to your library for review by another library you specify by institution symbol. This is the same as selecting the Review File Records for Institution check box and entering institution symbol in the Search Online Authority Save File window via Authorities > Search > Online Save File.

Index and label: