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Access Options

Find out how to access and use the Access Options tab on the Options window in Connexion client.

Purpose of the Access Options window

  • Select the access method for connecting online to OCLC Connexion cataloging services.
  • Assign proxy server settings to solve logon problems caused by your institution's use of proxy server(s) or a security firewall.
  • Select a persistent connection to extend HTTP sessions, which allows multiple requests to be sent from the workstation over the same TCP connection.
  • Collect statistics to help with system performance evaluations if needed.

Access the Access Options window

  1. Navigate to Tools > Options > Access.
  2. Select and enter settings for connecting to the OCLC system.
  3. Click OK or Apply.

See more about how to set up access to the OCLC system.

Access Options window: Features and buttons

Feature How to use
Internet Access Options buttons Select one of the options:
  • OCLC Default ( - Recommended for most users
  • Other URL - Enter a URL in the text box
Proxy Server settings Use these settings if you have trouble with your connection to the OCLC system because of your institution's use of proxy server(s) or a security firewall:
  • (Recommended for all users) Select the check box Use a proxy server to connect and enter your IP address and port number in the adjacent text fields.
  • (Do not use) Select the check box Use proxy server authentication if your proxy server or firewall requires authentication. Enter your user identification, password, and domain name in the adjacent text fields (password appears as asterisks when you enter it).


  • If you do not know the address/port or user ID/password, check with your system administrator for the information.
  • Connexion client uses Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) proxy settings as its default settings. Even if the Use a proxy server to connect check box is not selected, but IE on your workstation points to a proxy server, the client will use the IE proxy settings for your OCLC connection.
Persistent Connection check box Select if you use a proxy server to connect to the OCLC system, and you have problems logging on.

Selecting the Persistent Connection check box extends an HTTP session, keeping the same TCP connection active throughout multiple requests from your workstation (works like a KeepAlive extension to HTTP).
Enable statistics logging check box Allow or disable collecting response times for transactions between your workstation and the OCLC system. The client logs responses only if they reach a certain length of time. Logging the response times can help OCLC staff to evaluate system performance if needed.

If response times reach a threshold and logging begins, the client stores the logs in X:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\OCLC\Connex\HostResponse.log, where X is the letter of your hard drive.

 Note: OCLC recommends keeping the default setting (check box selected) unless advised otherwise by Connexion support for problem solving.

Enable transaction logging check box Allow or disable collecting exact request and response data between your workstation and the OCLC system.

If the option is selected, the client stores the request and response data in X:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\OCLC\Connex\HostResponse.log, where X is the letter of your hard drive.

 Note: OCLC recommends keeping the default setting (check box cleared) unless advised otherwise by Connexion support for problem solving.

URL display Shows the internet address (URL) of the selected access option.


Button Click the button to...
OK Apply the settings you entered and close the window (or press <Enter>).
Cancel Cancel any changes you made since the last time you saved changes to options. The Options window closes.
Apply Apply the settings you entered without closing the Options window. You can continue checking or changing other options settings.