Authority history indexes
Find authority history search and browse indexes available in Connexion client.
Authority history search indexes
Index (label) | Fields indexed | Subfields indexed |
Heading Word (me:) | 100/400 110/410 111/411 130/430 150/450 151/451 155/455 180/480 181/481 182/482 185/485 |
a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q r s t v x y z |
LCCN Word (ln:) | 010 | a z |
OCLC ARN (an:) | 001 | Not applicable |
Status (ahs:)* | 001 (Leader/06) | Not applicable |
* | Caution: Use the Status index as a search qualifier only. Always combine a Status search term with a search term in another LC authority history index. If you search the Status index only, you get an error message.
Authority history browse indexes
Index (label) | Fields indexed | Subfields indexed |
LCCN Phrase (lc=) | 010 | a z |
OCLC ARN (an=) | 001 | Not applicable |
Heading Phrase (me=) | 100/400 | a b c d e f g h j k l m n o p q r s t v x y z |
110/410 | a b c d e f g h k l n o p s t v x y z | |
130/430 | a d f g h k l m n o p r s t v x y z | |
150/450 151/451 |
a b v x y z | |
155/455 | a v x y z | |
180/480 181/481 182/482 185/485 |
v x y z |