General settings

Find information about the General Settings page, which provides project and basic collection information and enables you to edit export project settings.

 Note: Changes to the settings in the Project Manager are not retained unless an item is ingested. 


About information is not editable in the Project Client.

Field Description
Project Name Displays the name of the open project.
Shared Status Displays whether the project is shared or local (not shared).

Collection Information

Collection Information is not editable in the Project Client.

Field Description
Collection Server Address Displays the name of the open project.
Collection Name Displays whether the project is shared or local (not shared).
Status Displays whether the collection is published (will display in the Web interface) or unpublished (will not display in the Web interface).
Collection Permissions Displays any permissions set to restrict access to the collection.

Export Project Settings

Export Settings are editable in the Project Client.

Field Description
Export Settings

Enables you to export project-level settings to use as a template for other projects.

It does not export collection-level or server-level settings.