Object List

Find information about establishing directories, creating tab-delimited text files, and learn how to use the Object List to add compound objects.

To add compound objects using the Object List, you must create one tab-delimited text file that contains compound object-level metadata for all items that you import. You cannot enter page-level metadata with this method. When you use the Object List to import compound objects, you are limited to importing one type of compound object at a time.

All compound objects that you add using the Object List remain in the Add list on the Add Compound Objects wizard until you click Finish.

Establishing directories

Establish a directory that contains all files that you are adding. Within this root directory are subdirectories containing the files of each compound object that you are adding. These compound object directories are named exactly as listed in the designated field of the tab-delimited file. CONTENTdm uses the Title field as the default, but you can change which field you are using as your designated file.

The structure of each compound object and the order of its pages are determined by the structure and order of the files within the directory.

Within the compound object directory are:


If you are importing monographs create directories to reflect the structure of the monograph. For instance, if you are adding monographs, then you might have directories within the compound object directory that are named Chapter 1, Chapter 2, etc.

Creating tab-delimited text files

Create a tab-delimited file in the root directory of the Object List:

Using object list

  1. Navigate to the Home tab or Project tab. (Or select Compound Objects from the Add menu.)
  2. On the left task pane under Common Tasks, click Add Compound Objects. The Add Compound Objects wizard opens.
  3. Select Object List from the Add Using drop-down list. Click Add. The Choose Type screen displays.
  4. Choose the type of compound object that you are adding. Then, click Browse to navigate to the tab-delimited text file and to specify the scans directory where the files are located.
  5. Click Next. The Choose Mapping Field screen displays. Select the field that contains the directories with the files that make up the compound objects.
  6. Click Next. The Display Image Settings screen displays. Choose whether to create display images. Click Image Options to edit display image settings.
  7. Click Next. The Page Information screen displays.
  8. Determine how the pages of the compound object are to be named. Select:
    • Whether you want your pages named with the file name. You have the option of ignoring information before all underscore characters. For example, a file named 001_Page 1 would be given the name Page 1.
    • Whether you want to Label pages using a sequence. If you choose this option, enter what you would like all the items to be named and the number to begin numbering with. The default for name is Page and the number is 1.
    • Select whether you want to create a PDF version of the compound object.
  9. Click Next. The Confirm Settings screen displays. Review the settings and click Finish to confirm or click Back to revise settings.
  10. Review the Summary screen and then click Close. The Add list displays the objects you added. When you are ready to add compound objects to the project spreadsheet, click Finish.