The International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) is a community effort among the world’s leading research libraries and image repositories to collaboratively produce an interoperable technology and community framework for image delivery.
OCLC and CONTENTdm are part of this community effort and support the APIs defined by IIIF. CONTENTdm repositories have full support for the IIIF Image and Presentation APIs for all image-based records.
A note about HTTPS:
CONTENTdm's IIIF API functionality supports HTTPS requests. If the URL being requested is at *, both the Image and Presentation API requests will automatically redirect to HTTPS. This allows you to include IIIF calls directly in your other content served over HTTPS.
If your CONTENTdm website uses a custom URL (not * you will need to work with OCLC Support to install your SSL certificates to enable HTTPS support.