Prompt variants
Learn how to create and save frequently-used responses to input prompts.
You can create and save frequently-used responses to input prompts as a prompt variant. When selected, the variant will automatically populate the report's user prompts. Instead of saving multiple versions of a standard or custom report, multiple variants can be created for the same report.
A prompt variant is report-specific and cannot be shared between users.
Create a prompt variant
- Enter values for the available prompts.
- Click the Create prompt variant button ().
- In the Create prompt variant dialog, enter a Name for your new prompt variant.
- Click OK. The variant has been created and appears in the Available prompt variants drop-down list.
Delete a prompt variant
- Select a variant from the Available prompt variants drop-down list.
- Click the Delete prompt variant button (). The prompt variant is deleted from the drop-down list.
Edit a prompt variant
- Select a variant from the Available prompt variants drop-down list. The Prompts Summary dialog populates with the prompt variant.
- Edit a prompt value by selecting it in the Prompts Summary dialog and then changing the value in the form field.
- Click the Save prompt variant changes button () to save all edits.
Use a prompt variant
- Select a variant from the Available prompt variants drop-down list. The Prompts Summary dialog populates with the prompt variant.
- Click OK to run the report.