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Side panel

The side panel provides a way to quickly add or remove certain criteria from a report, change output, and pull different data into a report in WorldShare Report Designer.

The Side panel consists of the following areas:

Side panel
Screenshot of Report Designer side panels



Main side panel (Screenshot of WorldShare Reports Main side panel button)

Objects panel

The Objects panel (Screenshot of Report Designer Objects panel button) allows you to view the objects retrieved from the data providers and allows you to manage variables. It contains the following items.

Item Button Description
Zoeken Screenshot of the Objects panel Search button in Report Designer Allows you to search for a specific report object.
Expand all Screenshot of the Objects panel Expand all button in Report Designer Allows you to expand all hierarchies in the panel.
Collapse all Screenshot of the Objects panel Collapse all button in Report Designer Allows you to collapse all hierarchies in the panel.
Modes and settings Screenshot of the Objects panel Modes and settings button in Report Designer Allows you to change the presentation of the report objects in the panel. Click the button and make one of the following selections.
  • Alphabetical Order - Click to sort report objects alphabetically.
  • Folders - Click to display report objects sorted into expandable folders.
  • Queries and Cubes (default) - Click to display report objects sorted into expandable accordions.
  • Display Info Icon - Deselect to hide the icon that displays after you modify a report object. This icon displays by default.
Add a new variable Screenshot of the Objects panel Add a new variable button in Report Designer Allows you to add a new variable to the report.

Structure panel

The Structure panel (Screenshot of Report Designer Structure panel button) allows you to view the different elements (tables, charts, cells, etc.) used in the report. It contains the following items.

Item Button Description
Zoeken Screenshot of the Structure panel Search button in Report Designer Allows you to search for a specific report object.
Expand all Screenshot of the Structure panel Expand all button in Report Designer Allows you to expand all hierarchies in the panel.
Collapse all Screenshot of the Structure panel Collapse all button in Report Designer Allows you to collapse all hierarchies in the panel.
Alphabetical order Screenshot of the Structure panel Alphabetical order button in Report Designer Allows you to sort the report elements alphabetically. This item is deselected by default.
  • Select to sort the report elements alphabetically.
  • Deselect to return to the original report elements sort.

Map panel

The Map panel (Screenshot of Report Designer Map panel button) allows you to navigate the sections of the report you're viewing.

  • If the report you've run contains sections or you add a section to it, click a section to navigate to it.
  • If the report you've run doesn't contain any sections, the following message appears when you open this tab: This report contains no sections.

Document Properties panel

The Document Properties panel (Screenshot of Report Designer Document Properties panel button) displays the document properties and statistics and allows you to edit some of its options

Shared Elements panel

The Shared Elements panel (Screenshot of Report Designer Shared Elements panel button) allows you to view, add, and manage shared elements if they're contained in the report. It contains the following items.

Item Button Description
Check Revision Screenshot of the Shared Elements panel Check revision button in Report Designer Allows you to search for a specific report object.
Update Screenshot of the Shared Elements panel Update button in Report Designer Allows you to expand all hierarchies in the panel.

Prompts panel

The Prompts panel lists (Screenshot of the Prompts panel button in Report Designer) all the prompts included in the report and shows whether they are mandatory or optional. It contains the following items.

 Note: If this panel option doesn't appear, it's because the report you've run doesn't contain any prompts.

Item Button Description
Zoeken Screenshot of the Prompts panel Search button in Report Designer Allows you to search for a specific report object.
Share variants Screenshot of the Prompts panel Share variants button in Report Designer Allows you to expand all hierarchies in the panel.
Group Screenshot of the Prompts panel Group button in Report Designer Allows you to collapse all hierarchies in the panel.
Move prompt up Screenshot of the Prompts panel Move prompt up button in Report Designer Allows you to move a prompt up in the hierarchy after selecting the prompt.
Move prompt down Screenshot of the Prompts panel Move prompt down button in Report Designer Allows you to move a prompt down in the hierarchy after selecting the prompt.
Show prompt answers Screenshot of the Prompts panel Show prompt answers button in Report Designer Allows you to view the answers you entered for the prompt values. This item is deselected by default.

Build side panel (Screenshot of WorldShare Reports Build side panel button)

Data panel

The Data panel (Screenshot of the Build side panel Data panel in Report Designer) is used to define the data structure of the selected item (e.g., filtering, sorting, ranking, etc.). By default, this panel displays the Filter panel only. Click a column in the report to view the Feeding, Sort, Ranking, and Break panels.

Feeding panel

The Feeding panel (Screenshot of the Build side panel Feeding panel in Report Designer) contains two expandable accordions that allow you to transform the presentation of the report or edit the report columns.

Item Button Description
Turn Into... Screenshot of Feeding panel Turn Into section in Report Designer Allows you to reformat the table in the report or turn the report table into a chart. Click a button to transform the report. If you do not have the Instant Apply checkbox selected, you will need to click Apply to reformat the default report table.

Options include:
  • Tables (Horizontal, Cross, Form)
  • Comparison
  • Trend
  • Proportion
  • Distribution
  • Correlation
  • Geographic
  • Indicator
  • Multiple
  • Custom Element
Data Assignment Screenshot of Feeding panel Data Assignment section in Report Designer Allows you to reorder or hide the existing report columns or add an additional report object from the Main side panel > Objects panel (Screenshot of the Main side panel Objects panel in Report Designer). If you do not have the Instant Apply checkbox selected, you will need to click Apply to reformat the default report table.

To reorder or hide an existing column:
  1. Click the More options button (reports-side-panel-build-side-panel-feeding-panel-more-options-button).
  2. Select an option from the pop-up menu.
    • Move Up
    • Move Down
    • Hide - Hover over this menu option and then select one of the following from the flyout menu.
      • Hide
      • Hide When Empty
      • Hide When... - If selected, the Edit Formula screen opens. Create a formula to specify when a report object value should be hidden and then click OK to apply.

To add a report object to the report:
  1. Drag and drop an object from the Main side panel > Objects panel ().

Filter panel

Item Button Description
Filtered By reports-report-designer-build-side-panel-filter-panel-filtered-by-button.png
  • To add a filter to the report, drag and drop an object from the Main side panel > Objects panel (Screenshot of Report Designer Objects panel button).
  • Click the Edit input control button (Screenshot of Report Designer Edit input control button) to edit an input control.
Element Link reports-report-designer-build-side-panel-filter-panel-element-link-button.png Click Create element link to create an element link.

Sort panel

The Sort panel (Screenshot of Report Designer Sort panel button) allows you to apply additional sorts to the report. To add a sort:

  1. Expand the Add a sort drop-down list and select a report object from the list. The column for the selected report object will be automatically sorted in ascending order.
  2. (Optional) To change the sort order, click the Sort ascending button (Screenshot of Report Designer Sort ascending button) to change the column sort to descending order.

Ranking panel

The Ranking panel (Screenshot of Report Designer Ranking panel button) allows you to configure a ranking in the report. To configure a ranking:

  1. Click Add a rank.
  2. Select one of the following checkboxes.
    • Top (default) - Ranks the highest records in the block.
    • Bottom - Ranks the lowest records in the block.
  3. Enter the number of records you want to rank.
  4. Select the measure on which the ranking will be based from the Based on drop-down list.
  5. (Optional) Select a specific dimension in the block that you want to rank from the Ranked by drop-down list.
  6. Select a mode from the Calculation mode drop-down list.
    • Count (default) - Keeps the top/bottom n values
    • Percentage - Keeps the top/bottom n% of the total number of values
    • Cumulative Sum - Keeps the top/bottom values until the sum reaches the value n
    • Cumulative Percentage - Keeps the top/bottom values until the sum reaches n% of the total
  7. Click OK.

Break panel

The Break panel (Screenshot of Report Designer Break panel button) allows you to break your table on values that are the most relevant to you. To add a break:

  1. Select a report object to break on from the Add a break drop-down list.
  2. Click the Settings button (Screenshot of Report Designer Settings button) for the break you just created.
  3. Select the Value based break checkbox and then click Values....
  4. Select the values you want to apply and then click OK.

Format panel

The Format panel (Screenshot of Report Designer Format panel button) allows you to format the report. By default, this panel displays the following panels: Display Settings, Appearance Settings, and Layout Settings. Click a column in the report to view the Text Settings panel.

Display Settings panel

The Display Settings panel (Screenshot of Report Designer Display Settings panel button) allows you to hide charts whenever they are empty. To hide a chart, select one of the following checkboxes:

  • Hide always - Hides the chart
  • Hide when empty - Hides the chart when it's empty
  • Hide when formula is true - Enter a formula in the box to hide the chart when the formula is true

If you do not have the Instant Apply checkbox selected, you will need to click Apply to update the report.

Appearance Settings panel

The Appearance Settings panel (Screenshot of Report Designer Appearance Settings panel button) appears when you open the Format panel in the Buide side panel. It allows you to adjust the display of the report and report columns. The options displayed depend on whether you have opened the report or selected a column in the report.

If you do not have the Instant Apply checkbox selected, you will need to click Apply to update the report.

Report display
Item Button Description
Read content as Screenshot of Read content as section in the Report display area of Report Designer Allows you to select how you want the content to display from the drop-down list.
Padding Screenshot of Padding section in the Report display area of Report Designer Allows you to specify the padding for the top, bottom, left side, and right side of report cells.
Report background
Item Button Description
Background color Screenshot of Background color button in the Report background area of Report Designer Allows you to apply a color to the background of your report. To select a new color:
  1. Click the drop-down list next to No color.
  2. Select a preset color or click More Colors... to enter a Hex or RGB value.
  3. Click OK to apply the color to the report background.
Background pattern Screenshot of Background pattern button in the Report background area of Report Designer Allows you to add a pattern to the background of your report. To add a background pattern:
  1. Select one of the following background pattern options.
    • Skin - Applies a blue wave pattern to the report background.
    • URL - Enter the URL for the image you want to be applied to the report background.
    • File - Click Browse and select an image file to upload from your computer. Then select a display format and position for the image from the drop-down lists.
    • Linear Gradient - Select your gradient color stops from the drop-down menus. Then select a direction or angle for the gradient from the drop-down list.
Report hyperlinks
Item Button Description
Visited hyperlink Screenshot of Visted hyperlink button in the Report hyperlinks area of Report Designer Allows you to select a color for visited hyperlinks in the report from a drop-down menu.
Unvisited hyperlink Screenshot of Unvisted hyperlink button in the Report hyperlinks area of Report Designer Allows you to select a color for unvisited hyperlinks in the report from a drop-down menu.
Report border style
Item Button Description
Border color Screenshot of Border color button in the Report border style area of Report Designer Allows you to select a border color from the drop-down menu.
Border line style Screenshot of Border line style button in the Report border style area of Report Designer Allows you to select a border line style from the drop-down list.
Border thickness Screenshot of Border thickness button in the Report border style area of Report Designer Allows you to pick the border thickness from the drop-down list.
Border drawing tool Screenshot of Border drawing tool button in the Report border style area of Report Designer Allows you to select where you want a border to appear within the report.

Text Settings panel

The Text Settings panel () appears when you select a column in the report. It allows you to update the text formatting for the selected column.  If the Instant Apply checkbox is not selected, you must click Apply to update the report.

Item Button Description
Font name Screenshot of Font name button in the Text Settings panel of Report Designer Allows you to pick a new font for the report text.
Font size Screenshot of Font size button in the Text Settings panel of Report Designer Allows you to change the size of the report text.
Text color Screenshot of Text color button in the Text Settings panel of Report Designer Changes the text color on the selected element.
Bold Screenshot of Bold text button in the Text Settings panel of Report Designer Bolds the selected text.
Italic Screenshot of Italic text button in the Text Settings panel of Report Designer Italicizes the selected text.
Underline Screenshot of Underline text button in the Text Settings panel of Report Designer Underlines the selected text.
Strikethrough Screenshot of Strikethrough text button in the Text Settings panel of Report Designer Draws a line through the middle of the selected text.
Align Left (default) Screenshot of text Align left button in the Text Settings panel of Report Designer Aligns your text with the left margin.
Center Screenshot of text Center button in the Text Settings panel of Report Designer Centers your text on the screen.
Align Right Screenshot of text Align right button in the Text Settings panel of Report Designer Aligns your text with the right margin.
Justify Screenshot of text Justify button in the Text Settings panel of Report Designer Adds space between the words so that both edges of each line are aligned with both margins.
Align Top (default) Screenshot of text Align top button in the Text Settings panel of Report Designer Aligns text with the top of the cell.
Center Screenshot of text Align center button in the Text Settings panel of Report Designer Aligns text with the center of the cell.
Align Bottom Screenshot of text Align bottom button in the Text Settings panel of Report Designer Aligns text with the bottom of the cell.
Wrap text Screenshot of text Wrap text checkbox in the Text Settings panel of Report Designer This option is selected by default. Deselect the checkbox to unwrap the text.

Layout Settings panel

The Layout Settings panel (Screenshot of Report Designer Layout Settings panel button) allows you to adjust the entire report or a specific column. The options available in this panel depend on whether you have selected the entire report or a specific column.

Panel options for the entire report
Item Button Description
Rows Screenshot of Rows button in the Layout Settings panel of Report Designer Allows you to select how many rows should be displayed on each page of the report.
Columns Screenshot of Columns button in the Layout Settings panel of Report Designer Allows you to select how many columns should be displayed on each page of the report.
Size Screenshot of Size button in the Layout Settings panel of Report Designer Allows you to specify the page size of the report. This applies to print layout only.
Orientation Screenshot of Orientation button in the Layout Settings panel of Report Designer Allows you to set the orientation of the report. This applies to print layout only.
Margins Screenshot of Margins button in the Layout Settings panel of Report Designer Allows you to set the margins of the page. This applies to print layout only.
Scaling Screenshot of Scaling button in the Layout Settings panel of Report Designer Allows you to set the report size using one of two options. Both options apply to the print layout only.
  • Adjust to - Sets the report size using a specific percentage and calculates the height and width automatically.
  • Fit to - Sets the report size using a specific number of pages, both for height and width.
Panel options for columns
Item Button Description
Column width Screenshot of Column width button in the Layout Settings panel of Report Designer Allows you to set a specific width for the columns in the report.
Column minimum height Screenshot of Column minimum height button in the Layout Settings panel of Report Designer Allows you to set a specific minimum height for the columns in the report.

Object or Variables Properties panel

The Object or Variables Properties panel (Screenshot of Report Designer Object or Variables Properties panel button) allows you to edit the properties of the objects in the query (e.g., name, qualification, description, data type, etc.). It contains the following items.

Item Button Description
General properties Screenshot of the General properties button in the Object or Variables Properties panel of Report Designer Allows you to view information about a report object in the report. To view report object information:
  1. Open the Object panel (Screenshot of WorldShare Reports Objects panel button) in the Main side panel and select a report object.
  2. Open the General properties panel (Screenshot of the General properties button in the Object or Variables Properties panel of Report Designer). You will find the following information for the object.
    • Name
    • Qualification
    • Aggregation (Measures only)
    • Data Type
    • Format display
    • Description
    • Datasource
Edit custom order Screenshot of the Edit custom order button in the Object or Variables Properties panel of Report Designer Allows you to edit the order of values for a report object in the report. To create a custom order of report object values:
  1. Open the Object panel (Screenshot of WorldShare Reports Objects panel button) in the Main side panel and select a report object.
  2. Open the Edit custom order panel (Screenshot of the Edit custom order button in the Object or Variables Properties panel of Report Designer). 
  3. Click a report object value to select it and drag and drop it where you want it to appear OR use the Move value up (Screenshot of the Move value up button in the Object or Variables Properties panel of Report Designer) and Move value down (Screenshot of the Move value down button in the Object or Variables Properties panel of Report Designer) buttons to change the report object value's location.
  4. Repeat for additional report object values.
  5. Click Apply to apply the changes to the report.
Prompt properties Screenshot of the Prompt properties button in the Object or Variables Properties panel of Report Designer Allows you to view information about a prompt in the report. To view report prompt information:
  1. Open the Prompts panel (Screenshot of the Prompt panel button in the Main side panel of Report Designer) in the Main side panel and select a report object.
  2. Open the Prompt properties panel (Screenshot of the Prompt properties button in the Object or Variables Properties panel of Report Designer). You will find the following information for the object.
    • Name
    • Data Type
    • Optional Prompt (YES or NO)
    • Query Source(s)