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WorldShare Reports release notes, September 2021


Release Date: September 2, 2021


This release of WorldShare Reports and Report provides new enhancements in addition to a bug fix. These features will help you manage more complex workflows, including:

  • Analyze reading room usage data

Recommended actions

There are no recommended actions related to this release. We encourage you to review all of the items in the release notes to determine whether there are other items that might require additional action or follow up by your institution.

New features and enhancements

Utilize reading room usage data

New Circulation Event fields added to monitor in-house usage

The following new data objects will now be available for reporting and analysis:

  • Event Hold Fulfillment Method - The method of fulfillment preferred by the hold request’s pickup location, at the time of the event. E.g., COLLECT or IN_HOUSE_USE.
  • Hold Item Consultations - The number of times that a staff user issued a requested item to a patron for in-house use.
    • This new measure counts the Consult-Hold-Item events to make it easy for you to utilize in your reports. In future releases, this valuable metric will be added to some standard circulation reports, such as the Circulation Dashboard.

Event Hold Fulfill 2021-08-27_9-28-21.jpg

Hold Item Consultations 2021-08-27_9-26-18.jpg


Other enhancements

New Circulation Event Transaction Source value 

Associated with the functionality delivered in the September 2021 Circulation release, you may now see BURSAR_IMPORT as a new value for Event Transaction Source in the Circulation Events universe. This new value would apply to Pay-Bill events triggered by payment import via the bill connector.

Bug fixes

  • Following the Acquisitions release on August 1 and 8, 2021, users may have experienced acquisitions reports containing a few line items having the Encumbered Amount and/or Expended Amount fields off by .01 in the unit of currency (e.g., off by a penny in USD). This issue has been fixed and users will see the corrected values in their acquisitions reports following this fix. 

Known issues

There are no new known issues at this time.

A list of all previously posted known issues is available here.

Support website(s)

Support information for this product and related products can be found at: