Comparison data
Discover all of the data contained in a comparison title list in WorldShare Collection Evaluation.
Comparisons contain the data below. The order of the MARC fields is the processing order the system uses to generate the comparison.
WMS customers: Please see a note about circulation data.
Data | Description |
Audience |
008/22 |
006/5 audn, bks, vis, sco, rec, com, cnr, mix, map | |
Author |
100 a-d, j, q, u |
110 a-e n u | |
111 a c d e n q u | |
Dewey call number |
082 (Dewey) |
092 (Dewey locally assigned) | |
Edition | 250 a |
Format | 006 (Leader bytes 6 & 7 help further characterize electronic resources) |
Genre/Form |
380 a |
600 v | |
610 v | |
611 v | |
630 v | |
648 v | |
650 v | |
651 v | |
653 a (if indicator 2 = 6) | |
654 v | |
655 a b v | |
Holdings count |
The number of times the item is registered in WorldCat with your library’s institution symbol. |
ISBN | 020 a |
ISSN | 022 a |
Language | 008/35-37 |
Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN) | 010 a |
Library of Congress call number |
050 (Library of Congress) |
055 (Classification numbers assigned in Canada) | |
090 (Library of Congress locally assigned) | |
Local call number | 852 (Location) ‡h ‡i |
Locatie | 852 (Location) ‡b ‡c |
NLM call number |
060 (NLM) |
096 (NLM locally assigned) | |
OCLC number | 001 |
Physical Description | 300 a |
Publication date |
008/7-10 |
046 (Special coded dates) ‡c or ‡e (B.C. dates) | |
260 (Publication) ‡c (if neither 008/07 or 046 ‡c or ‡e is present) | |
Publisher | 260 b |
264 b (if no value in 260 b) | |
Series Statement | 800 a-e g k m-t v x |
810 a-e g k m-p r-t v x | |
811 a c-e g k n p s t v x | |
830 a d f g k m-p r-t v x | |
Subject (based on classification number in the OCLC Conspectus) |
050 (Library of Congress) |
090 (Library of Congress locally assigned) | |
055 2nd indicator 0 or 1 (Classification numbers assigned in Canada) | |
060 (NLM) 1st indicator 1 (not in NLM) | |
082 (Dewey) | |
092 (Dewey locally assigned) | |
060 (NLM) 1st indicator 0 (in NLM) | |
096 (NLM locally assigned) | |
Title | 245 (Title statement) ‡a; other fields may also be used to determine a title, such as 242, 243, 247, etc. |
URI | 856 u |