How do I locate/access our Circulation Item Inventory Report?

Applies to

If you do not know your credentials [Username and Password ] Along with the Host name, Port number, and File Protocol to access the File exchange server,
please contact OCLC Support.

To locate this report once you have logged into the FTP client - Follow these steps

1. You will be in the home directory upon login, which corresponds to the new username.
2. From there, navigate to the root directory.
3. And then to the /xfer directory.
4. In order to change into the desired product directory, which is /xfer/wms/Reports.
5. In this example this would be /xfer/wms/Reports/ xxxx. Circulation_Item_Inventories.txt.

Once you have downloaded the text file you can then import it into Excel and sort /filter on the columns/information however required.
Creating even smaller more useful reports from this data.

Additional information

Download files using an open-source SFTP client

To download WinSCP

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