Unreceive a monograph
Discover how to unreceive a monograph in WorldShare Acquisitions.
One or more items that were ordered, and then received, can still be un-received from the One Time Items screen.
In order to prevent you from accidentally un-receiving multiple items, you can only un-receive one item at a time.
- On the left navigation, click Orders > One Time Items.
- Search for the item you received and now want to un-receive.
- Select the checkbox next to the item.
- At the top of the screen, click Receive > Un-Receive.
- From the Un-receive dialog, select whether you want to Keep barcode and call number data in Acquisitions. Selecting this checkbox will retain the barcode and call number data stored in Acquisitions for this item, even while removing this information from the corresponding local holding record in WorldCat. This should be selected if you imported shelf-ready item data for this title.
- Click Un-receive. If there is a local holding record for the item, it will either be deleted or set to On-Order. The status of the item (and all its copies) will be set to Not Received.