Receive a local resource

Discover how to receive one-time local resources and subscription local resources in WorldShare Acquisitions.

Receive a local resource

  1. On the left navigation, click Receive and Invoice.
  2. Select Local - One Time from the Processing Type drop-down list.
    Select Subscription from the Processing Type drop-down list.
  3. Select Receive from the Action drop-down list.
  4. Click View Items.
  5. Click the Search Text form field and then press <Enter>.
  6. You may also narrow your search by one of the filters below.
    Search filters - Table
    To search by Use retrieval method
    Zoeken Select an index with which to limit your search from the list:
    • Keyword
    • Title (default)
    • Copy Number
    • Barcode
    • OCLC Number
    • Invoice Number
    • ISBN
    • ISSN
    • Order Item Number
    • Order Number
    Content Type Select the content type of the item from the list.
    • To return to the list of all items, select the blank space in the list.
    Branch Select the branch the item is to be delivered to from the list.
    • The branch is in the Location column on the order.
    • To return to the list of outstanding items, select the blank space in the list.
    Order Status (not available for editing when action is set to Receive) Select the degree to which the order has been placed:
    • Ordered
    • Cancellation requested
    • Not cancelled
    • Cancelled
    Receipt Status Select the degree to which the order has been completed.
    Purchase Status Select the degree to which invoicing has been completed:
    • Not invoiced
    • Partially invoiced
    • Invoiced
    • Partially paid
    • Paid
  7. From the Receipt Status column, click Receive.