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Resource requires review

You can view whether or not an order item is marked for review, and manually change the status of the resource requires review check box. The box will automatically be checked on low-confidence matches when you import MARC order data and select the option to Include low-confidence matches. An item marked as resource requires review indicates that verification is needed to determine that the record is correct for order items marked in this way. You can mark the resource for an order item as requiring review and then later search by and view this field to quickly retrieve a list of items needing review.

The Resource requires review check box can be found on the following screens:

  • Order Item Details
  • Receive and Invoice
  • Change Resource

Manually select or deselect resource requires review

  1. In the left navigation, navigate to one of the following:
    • Order Details screen: Orders > Orders > Search > Order Name (to view the resources associated with the order)
    • Order Item Details screen: Orders > Order Items > Search > Title
    • Receive and Invoice screen: Receive and Invoice > E-Product (Processing Type) > View Items > Search > Title
  2. From the Order Item Details screen, select or deselect the Resource requires review check box.

For more information on using the Change Resource functionality to select a better record to match the order item, see Change the resource for an order item.