Edit users

Learn how to edit user records in OLIB.

Locate the user record and display the full details. Click Modify Record and make the changes required. Click Save to exit modify.

Change barcode

A user's barcode can be changed provided they do not have items on loan / active reservations.

  1. To change the user barcode, simply delete it and enter the new barcode.
  2. When you save the record, the new barcode is validated as normal.

 Caution:  user barcodes must be unique. If a barcode is entered which is already used in another user record, the record will not save and an error message is displayed.

You cannot clear a user barcode if there is at least 1 item on loan or at least 1 active reservation. If you attempt to clear it OLIB displays a warning message.

Change expiry date

To update the user’s expiry date, simply overtype with the new expiry date.

Note that the standard OLIB date format must be used (DD-MON-YYYY).

Re-registration date

A field is available to record the date when a User re-registers. You can also filter a User search by this date.

The Re-registration Date field is not included on the Users Standard Layout by default. The system manager needs to add it using Layout Manager.

(The Attribute is Re-registration Date (bo_lastchange); suggested placement: after Join Date.)

Ban / un-ban user

The Banned? field is not included on the Users Standard Layout by default. The system manager needs to add it using Layout Manager.

A user may be banned or un-banned at any time:

  1. On the user record set the Banned? flag to Yes.

The banning or un-banning takes immediate effect.

A User can also be automatically banned either via Loan Terms or from within the Overdues sequence. When the items are returned/renewed, the ban is then automatically lifted.

 Note: any trap messages associated with the ban will need to be removed separately.

Date Banned

This field indicates the date and time a user is banned. It is set automatically in daystart whenever daystart sets Banned to Yes, and it is cleared again automatically in daystart when daystart sets Banned to No. You can also set it manually. Note, however, that the Banned field does not automatically change to Yes if you set the Date Banned field manually. Similarly, Banned does not automatically change to No if you clear Date Banned manually. You will need to manually set Banned accordingly at the same time as you set or clear Date Banned manually.

Copies Causing Ban

This field is not included on the Users layout by default. If it is needed, the system manager can add the field to the layout using Layout Manager (immediately below Banned and Date Banned ).

OLIB automatically updates this (free text) field in the User record, when an auto-ban is imposed. It includes the Copy record number (copyno) of the copy record causing the ban, surrounded by semi-colons.

OLIB removes the copy record number from the field automatically when the user renews or returns the copy. When the field is empty, OLIB's automatic unbanning process will then unban the user.

 Note: if you unban the user manually, you should also clear the Copies Causing Ban field manually.

Change address

Do not switch the user record into modify.

  1. Locate the address(es) on the Details page and click on the relevant address link to display full address.
  2. Switch the address record to modify mode and make required changes.
  3. Save and close the Addresses screen and use breadcrumbs to return to the user record.
  4. The changes to the address are displayed immediately in the user record.

An audit trail is maintained on the Addresses layout so that all changes to addresses can be tracked. Any changes made are shown on the Audit Trail sheet of the Address layout.

See also Addresses and overdues/recalls

Add address

  1. To add an address with an address type different to an existing address, put the user record in modify mode and click on Address.
  2. Enter the address details in the relevant fields of the data entry window, including an address type, and save the new address record to return to the user screen. Note that Valid From To dates can be included on each address record, so that OLIB uses the most appropriate address for e.g. overdues/recalls.
  3. The new address is displayed in the Address field, so you can now save the changes as normal.

 Note: Verified Date can be used to confirm whenever the address details are confirmed. The system manager can add this field to the layout using Layout Manager. Addresses also includes an Audit Trail page where all changes to addresses can be tracked.

Retaining address

In order to satisfy requirements to implement a consent facility, 3 consent fields can be implemented.

Using Layout Manager, the system manager is able to include the following fields:

Changes to these fields are audited in the user update audit trail.

Telephone numbers

Using Layout Manager, the system manager can add 3 telephone fields to the Users layout. If configured, these should be used in preference to the numbers in the Address layout. You can record details in the following telephone fields:

Telephone (Home)

Telephone (Work)

Telephone (Mobile)

You can also filter searches by these values, e.g. to find any user records with null telephone details.