
Find an overview of the users features available in OLIB Service Pack 12.

Consent flag for retaining staff addresses

A number of Yes/No fields have been added to the Users domain. These fields should be added to your Users layout using Layout Manager.

Consent Given (Staff-Affirmed)

Set this to Yes if the end user or member of staff has checked the box on your library services registration form that confirms that they have given their consent for their personal details to be held in your OLIB system.

Consent Given (Self-Affirmed)

This will be set to Yes if, during self-registration in Folio, the end user has checked the box that confirms that they have given their consent for their personal details to be held in your OLIB system. Please note that the Yes/No checkbox is not included on the Folio self-registration form at SP12, but this feature is delivered as part of Service Pack 13.

An additional Yes/No field has been included in the Users domain to explicitly record the fact that the member of staff has authorised for their address to be retained in OLIB.

The attribute is called Address Retention Consent Given.

Changes to these fields are audited in the user update audit trail.