Service Pack 11 includes a number of new user refined searches.
It is now possible to refine a user search by user group. The Groups refinement is listed under the Linked Domains heading on the Refine Search dialogue box:
Select the Group Name (for filtering) refinement.
The filter enables searches to be restricted to users who are direct members of the selected user groups.
Here we can see those users who belong to the Acquisitions Group.
It is now possible to refine a location search by Area.
Here the search is refined to search for those locations that are in the City Campus Area.
It is now possible to refine a user search by standard borrower trap message. The Traps refinement is listed under the Linked Domains heading on the Refine Search dialogue box:
Select the Standard Trap Message refinement.
Here you can refine on the standard trap messages associated with one or more user records.