Rename and resequence Actions

Learn how to rename and resequence the Actions available in OLIB drop downs.

►Admin Client Config> Methods
►Admin Client Config> Attributes

The Actions that are available for carrying out specific functions in OLIB can be renamed if required and some of them can be re-sequenced. For example, when you use the Address field in Users, various Actions are available to choose from in a drop down; similarly in the Titles domain - Availability.

Rename Actions

Actions can be re-worded to make their function clearer for all staff. First you need to determine the name of the Action or 'Method' you would like to change. To change the Address Type Actions in Users for example, go to that domain and note the wording of the Action you would like to change.

  1. In Admin Client Config> Methods, search for the Method as noted above, e.g. Set as overdue/recall address.
  2. Modify the record, change the wording in Name and save the changes.

For this change to take effect you will need to rebuild your OLIB Web. The new wording of the Actions in the relevant drop down will then be displayed.

Re-sequence Actions

Some of the Actions that are available for carrying out specific functions in OLIB can be re-sequenced. For example, when you edit the Address field in Users, various Actions are available to choose from in a drop down. The Actions that can be re-sequenced are specifically:

Domain and field  Attribute name
The loan Items field on the issue screen  iss_loanitems
The Addresses field on the user and supplier screens bo_addrs and sp_addrs
The Outstanding Issues field on the serial check-in screen chknew_isscopies
The Terminated Fines/Charges field on the user charging screen fpy_terminated
The Manually Applied Charges field on the user charging screen fpy_manual
The Alert History (All) field on the notice screen nt_sent_alerts

To change the sequence of options for an attribute, go to Admin Client Config> Attributes and search on the attribute. For example to change the sequence of options for loan items on the issue screen:

  1. In Admin Client Config> Attributes search for iss_loanterms.
  2. Go to the Methods sheet of the layout and switch to modify.
  3. Select the item you wish to move and use the Up / Down links. Take care not to inadvertently move the dashed lines up or down the list.

For this change to take effect you will need to rebuild your OLIB Web. The changed order of actions will then display on the issue screen.