►Serials Management Reference Data> Issue Copy Status Codes
By default, OLIB creates issue copy records, when you perform check in of issues. If this is correct for your implementation then all you need to do is choose your preferred status of issue copies at the time they are checked in.
You can configure whether or not OLIB creates copies and links them to the issue title record during check in.
Use the Create Copy on Check-In field to do this. You can find this field in:
For example you may have Create Copy on Check in = Yes at OLIB Defaults level - but set to No at the level of an individual Serial Copy. This would mean that for all serials in general, a copy record is created when you check in an issue, but for a specified serial a copy will not be created during check in.
Using Layout Manager, the system manager can also add this attribute (Create Copy on Check-In?) to the following OLIB layouts:
It is possible to set the status of Issue copies at the time they are checked in, and also to amend them later. This clarifies whether the items are received, on circulation, or still expected.
Note: It is recommended that you add a new Issue Copy Status Code representing withdrawn - issue copy included in a bound volume.
When an issue copy is pulled into the Bound Issues field in a Bound Volume record, its issue copy status is set to the respective Issue Copy Status Code (i.e. the one with the issue copy’s owner location included in the B.Vol. Status Locs field). If the issue copy has an associated copy record, this copy record’s copy status will also be changed to the respective B. Vol. Copy Status, providing its Loan Status is not O (On Loan) or H (Held).
Note: The old issue copy status and copy status are retained so that, if the issue copy is subsequently removed from the bound volume (e.g. because it was added by mistake), the issue copy status and the copy status can be reset to what they were before.