Check in unexpected issues

Discover how to check in unexpected issues in OLIB.

Check in an unexpected issue

This is needed for times when unexpected issues are received. These can still be checked in, in the normal way, but they must first be generated using the 'manual issue generation' process:

  1. Navigate to the Check in domain.
  2. Search for the serial in the Check In domain to list any outstanding issues.
  3. Select the issue after which you want to insert the new issue in the sequence.
  4. From the available Actions, choose Create Manual Issue.
  5. A new serial issue record data entry screen is displayed, with the details from the selected issue already copied in.
  6. Amend the issue details accordingly, in particular to change the issue title to make it different in some way from the original issue record.
  7. Save the changes.
  8. Back in Outstanding Serial Issues by Serial Title (the Check In list), refresh your search to display the newly created issue record.
  9. From there, you can use the standard check in procedure to check the issue in.

 Note: If the issue you want to copy is not included in the Outstanding Issues by Serial Title list (e.g. because it has already been checked in), you should change the Check In search option to All Issues by Serial Title and search for the serial title. You can also carry out standard Check in from this search option. In this way you can readily create and check in back issues.

Additional copies

If you receive an additional copy of an issue and it is going to be kept, simply add a copy record to the relevant issue:

  1. Navigate to the Titles domain
  2. Use the search Serial Issues by Serial Title.
  3. Click on the relevant issue to display details.
  4. Switch to modify mode.
  5. In Issue Copies, click Add.
  6. Complete copy details, e.g. Barcode if required.
  7. Save the changes to return to the Issue details page.