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Get started with Folio

Discover an introduction to Folio and how it is configured in OLIB Web.

About Folio

Folio is the end user (OPAC) interface for OLIB allowing end users to search many of the library's resources and obtain a single set of results.

Most of the configuration options available for Folio can be configured using OLIB Web. You will only see the OPAC menu in OLIB Web if you are logged on as the system administrator.

Configuration includes:

  • The Welcome screen and banner graphic
  • The Menu bar, including the Search Options and Users Services
  • The Facets sidebar
  • The Search form

Configuration is carried out mainly from these menu options:

►OPAC> Configuration Settings: this is where you can search for specific settings by setting name, configuration block or a keyword search.

►OPAC> OPAC Config Block: this is where you can search for Folio configuration blocks. These act as a container for the many Folio settings.

 Note: following any changes just click the banner in your Folio to refresh and display your new configuration.

Configuration blocks

Configuration Blocks act as a container for related settings. Their names all begin with g_ and to display them you can simply:

  1. Go to OPAC> OPAC Config Block.
  2. Enter g_ in the search box and click Search.

OLIB displays a hitlist of configuration blocks, some of the major blocks include for example:

Config Block name (key) Description
g_menu Folio Menu settings
g_name   Folio Author search
g_tiau Folio Title/Author search
g_title_details Folio Title details
g_user_details Folio User details

Click on the link for the config block to view the details. You can then also view and edit the settings from here.

Search for configuration blocks

The OPAC Config Block domain contains 2 search types for you to search:

  • OPAC Config Blocks by Name: use this search when you know the name of the config block
  • OPAC Config Blocks by Description: you can search with words drom the Description field if you do not know the block name

There is a full list of Configuration Blocks for reference purposes.     

Configuration settings

Access the settings directly from OPAC> Configuration Settings, or through the config block for that setting.

  1. Go to OPAC> Configuration Settings.
  2. Search by Setting name (e.g. tiau_facetssearchfields) or by Config Block (e.g. g_tiau).

The Folio Title/Author search is controlled by the config block g_tiau. Here are some example settings:

Config Setting ID Interface Config Block Setting Value Sequence 1 Sequence 2 Include?
604222 1 g_tiau tiau_facets  "subj" 5 Y
604219 1 g_tiau tiau_facets  "classmark" 1 6 Y
604234 1 g_tiau searchfields "title Title:" 23 1 Y
604235 1 g_tiau searchfields  "name Author:" 23  2  Y

All settings contain these elements:

Config Setting ID A system generated number that uniquely identifies this setting.
Interface This refers to the language interface. Most systems have only "1" language; a subsequent number is used for additional language interfaces.
Config Block The block that this setting resides in.

The setting name that you can search for. In the above example:

  • The settings tiau_facets are the sidebar facets used for filtering the search. In this example, the values for Subjects and Classmarks are included (Y) in the facets sidebar.
  • The settings searchfields are the actual search fields presented to the user for entering search values; as this is the Title/Author search, the search fields for Title and Author are included (Y).
Value This is the configurable value that determines behaviour of the setting.
Sequence1 Determines the display order of this setting within the config block. In the above, the tiau_facets setting is "1", so in Folio the sidebar facets display first on the left hand side.
Sequence2 Determines the display order of this setting in relation to the same settings. In the above, searchfields settings, "title Title:" is "1" and  "name Author:" is "2", so in Folio the Title search field displays first and the Author search field displays second.
Include? Yes or No whether this setting should be included in Folio.

Search for config settings

The OPAC Configuration Settings domain contains 3 search types for you to search settings

  • Configuration Settings by Setting: use this search when you know the name of the setting
  • Configuration Settings by Config Block: search using the name of the config block that contains the setting
  • Keyword Search for Configuration Settings: useful if you do not know a setting name or are not sure which config block the setting is in. The keyword search indexes the description, setting, value, value 2 and value 3 fields in each config setting.

Create new config settings

Many config settings are already present in OLIB but to enable some features you may need to create a new setting. When required, instructions will advise you of this.

In general, to create a new setting:

  1. Go to OPAC> Configuration Settings.
  2. Click New Record.
  3. The Setting ID is autogenerated.
  4. Enter the correct name for the Config Block this setting is to reside in, the Setting name, a meaningful Description, and the correct Value - Value 2 - Value 3.
  5. Enter Sequence numbers to determine the order of this setting/value in relation to others, and set Include = Yes.

Value fields

There are 3 value fields on each configuration setting for Folio. This means a single setting can carry out several functions. For example the default keyword search which appears on the Folio welcome is controlled by the searchfields setting in the g_kws2 config block.

The searchfields setting includes values in all 3 value fields:

Field Value Notes
Value “keywords Keyword(s)” The Value field has 2 functions – "keywords" controlled which search is launched and "Keyword(s)" is the label for the search. For a searchfields setting the word or words in the value field following the 1st space become the label for that field.
Value 2 "Some words to describe the item you are looking for" Controls the hover text displayed when you hover your mouse over the search.
Value 3 "Enter one or more words and click Search (or hit Enter) to find records that include all the words you entered" Controls the text which appears in the search box.

This is only one example and Value, Value2, Value3 will perform different functions in other configuration settings.


This is a config block containing the settings for the welcome page and initial start up: expiry, session timeout, logout; cookies message; default search; banner graphic settings; searching text; footer text; catalogue enrichment settings; welcome screen html file; basket settings; Y/N whether statistics are gathered during OPAC use. It can also be used to link to an external stylesheet, font etc..

To view gno_startup:

  1. Go to OPAC> OPAC Config Block and search for gno_startup.

External stylesheet

This is a setting in gno_startup which is used to link to an external stylesheet, font, etc. This allows local IT staff/web designers to re-configure Folio more easily without having to copy files (or have them copied) to the Folio server.

To link Folio to an external stylesheet, font, etc., add a setting called external_css in gno_startup.

  1. Go to OPAC> Configuration Settings and search using Configuration Settings by Setting.
  2. Search for external_css. If it cannot be found then click New Record to create it.
  3. Enter the relevant HTML link tags in the Value field using the format shown in the following example:
concat("<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='' media='screen' />
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='' />
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='' />")
  1. Set Include=Yes.

This example loads up a stylesheet called FancyFonts.css from the css folder at It then links to two font families in the css folder at (Note: the Sanchez and Ubuntu Mono fonts are real fonts available from However, the FancyFonts.css stylesheet at is entirely fictitious.)