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EBSCO Discovery questionnaire guidelines

Learn about the guidelines for using EBSCO discovery service with OLIB.

For libraries that use OLIB and also wish to use the EBSCO discovery service from EDS, here are some guidelines for completing the EBSCO questionnaire.

Question 1: ILS version/system

If you are not sure which version of OLIB you are using you can check via Admin ClientDefaultsin the OLIB Web interface.

Question 2: Number of bibliographic records

As  a  basic  guideline,  a  %  search  in  the  Titles  area  will  advise  the  number  of  records  that  would  be retrieved if you continue. It is not recommended that you continue and try to display the results!

Question 5: Linking to records in your Folio OPAC

The OLIB example will look like this: {OLIB FolioURL}?oid={titleno}

or {OLIB WebViewURL}?oid={titleno}

Question 6: OPAC session limit

The OLIB default limit is 200.

Question 7: MARC field/subfield that represents a persistent, unique identifier for your records

  • OLIB systems from OLIB9 SP9:  the title number is in 001
  • OLIB systems prior to OLIB9 SP9: the first 035 $a specifies the Title Number. This may be prefixed by “(OCLC-WCSymbol)” where configured in OLIB Defaults. If so, the prefix should not be passed to the OPAC.

Question 8: Export formats

OLIB exports utf-8 encoded MARC21 bibliographic records. It is capable of handling the full range of utf-8 characters. Several types of tag used can be configured in reference data within OLIB.

Question 9: Values for fields/sub-fields

OLIB  allows  the  System  Administrator  to  configure  the  MARC  Export  for  Copies  information  by enabling  a MARC21  Configurable  Copy  Output Output  Format. The MARC21 Configurable Copy Output Format is configured for the whole system. If other libraries using this OLIB system have specified a configuration for this, then the configuration should not be changed without consulting them. This same information is used for Question 14.

If  this  is  not  configured,  then  the following will be used:

Holdings Information MARC field & subfield
Call Number In OLIB we say‘class mark’.  The tag is defined in Class Types, subfield is “a”.  Alternatively there is ‘shelfmark’ in 952 $j
Call Number Additional Information (e.g. volume or copy number) n/a
Library Location

952 $a (description), $A (code);

952 $b (sublocation and/or collection)

Shelf Location (if coded separately from library location) 952 $c (description) $C (code)
Barcode or copy identifier 952 $p (barcode), $9 (internal ID)


Question 10: Identifying eBooks and Audiobooks

Please check with the OCLC help desk for advice on Media (sub) type configuration.

Question 12: Links from MARC record

MARC subfields for URL handling
Link Text 856 $y
URL Link 856 $u
Public Note Not used by OLIB
Material Type Not used by OLIB


Question 14: Real-time availability

(See also Question 9)

Hosted customers should contact OCLC Support for details.

Holdings Information is supplied in the MARC21 records as part of the export and as part of the Z39.50 responses from OLIB.

Address* Consult the local IT staff who manage your OLIB system for advice
Port* Consult the local IT staff who manage your OLIB system for advice
Database(s)* TITLES

No username or password is required.