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Create CONTENTdm title set

Learn how to create a Title Set for CONTENTdm specific records in OLIB.

►Data Exchange> Title Sets

After you have created a new Media Type, you need to use this in a digital collection Title Set. The Title Set will make sure that only relevant records can be synchronised with CONTENTdm.

Create Title Set

  1. Go to Data Exchange> Title Sets.
  2. Create a new record with a Description to identify the purpose of this Title Set.
  3. From SearchLevel/Type select No level specified from the drop down.
  4. From User Set select Default All Users and Anonymous Users Set from the drop down.

 Note: regarding SearchLevel/Type and User Set - OLIB needs to send all of the records for CONTENTdm to display, but CONTENTdm can determine how to search and who can view them.

  1. To define the set by Media Type choose the Media Type to be included from the Include drop down.1
  2. Assuming that you do not require Copy data in OLIB for digital items (and location, category, status are not needed), save the details.

The next step is to link this Title Set to the CONTENTdm Output Format record.