In addition to the fields available on the default screen layout, the system administrator can implement the following optional fields in Circulation. The system administrator would need to use Layout manager to achieve this. All attributes are intended for the Issue/Returns/Renewals screen unless indicated otherwise.
Some attributes require explanation.
Attribute | Description |
Balance (Manual): iss_manual_sum | Displays the total amount of manual charges for this user. |
Address Type: iss_atp | Used to determine which of the user's address to show in the iss_boraddr attribute. |
Address: iss_boraddr | Displays the user's address for the type indicated by the iss_atp attribute. |
Book Details: iss_copydetails | |
Borrower: iss_borrower | Displays the user's barcode for the borrower. |
Clear (Incl. Manual Ret. Date): (iss_clear2) | Clears away the manual return date/time as well as the details of the current user. |
Copy Transactions (Pr.Loan.): iss_transactions2 | An alternative displays of circulation transactions suited to project loan workflows. |
Count of Issues: iss_issuecount | Displays the number of transactions recorded for the copy. |
Display Last User: iss_display_last_user | Re-displays the details of the last user to go through the issue desk. |
Expiry Date (iss_expdate) | Displays the User Expiry Date on the Circ. Desk screen. |
Last Transactions: iss_lasttrans | Displays the transactions that have occurred in this session since the last time the information was manually cleared. |
Loaned Titles: iss_loantitles | |
Objects: bo_objects | Objects field for adding User photo. (Added to Users domain) |
Receipt Layout: iss_receipt_layout | Allows the staff member to select the layout to use for receipt printing. |
Transfer All: iss_transferall | Transfers all loans to another borrower. |
Transfer To User Name: iss_borbarcodeto_name | Displays the user's name that has been chosen for transferring loans to. |
User Addresses: iss_addrs | Displays the user's addresses for selection of the address to record for a postal loan transaction. |
User Category: iss_borcat | Displays the user's category for the borrower. |
User Email: iss_mailid | Displays the user's email address for the borrower. |
User Notes: iss_bornotes | Displays the user's note field for the borrower. |
User Photo: iss_userimage | User Photo field on the Circ Desk screen. |
User Seccode: iss_borseccode | Displays the user's secondary identifier (Seccode) for the borrower. |