Price, language and ISxN

Learn how to add price, language and ISxN to a title in OLIB.


If the Acquisitions module is in use the price paid for an item will be automatically populated into the Copy record when the item is checked in. The price field on the title record is for information only.

  1. To add a price simply enter it into the Prices field and click >>.
  2. If you need to add more information click New. In Price Details enter the price and add a note if required.
  3. Click Save to include the details with the working Title record.

This is a repeatable field and you can add more than one price.

Price and Price (Numeric)

OLIB includes a Price (textual field) and a Price (Numeric) field. From OLIB 9 Service Pack 7 the Numeric currency fieldis only displayed if the textual price field is blank. MARC records frequently include both fields, and they both correctly get imported into the respective fields in the title prices record. Only one of the fields is required for display purposes, so the textual price field is displayed if it is populated, otherwise the Numeric price field is displayed.


In monolingual libraries it is common practice to indicate language only if the item is not in the native language. To add a language:

  1. Click Language - Search to search existing languages in the database.
  2. If found click Select and Insert to include it in the working Title record.
  3. If not found click New Record in Context to display a new Language page.
  4. Enter a Key, Short and Long description.
  5. Click Save to add to the database and include in the working Title record.
  6. The language information will now be presented on the cataloguing form.

 Note: you can add more than one language to a title for multilingual items.


  1. To add an ISN to a Title, type or scan the ISBN/EAN into the ISBN field and click >>. Enter without any spaces or punctuation: 13 or 10 characters (ISBNs); 10 characters (ISMNs);  8 characters (ISSN). In the case where the EAN is entered first, OLIB displays the ISBN afterwards in parentheses.
  2. OLIB performs a number of checks and if there are any problems error messages are displayed on the Titles page, that indicate e.g. if the ISN length is incorrect.

 Note: depending on the Show Equivalent ISBN setting in OLIB Defaults (Cataloguing) the numbers will be displayed as ISBN (EAN) or EAN (ISBN) depending on which was entered first. OLIB will still do this conversion in the database, regardless of whether you have the setting enabled.

  1. To add more information click New and select Title ISBN (Full Layout) from the list of ISBN Layouts to access the full set of fields (for full MARC 21 compliance).


OLIB validates the code you entered to ensure:

  • It is the correct length - either 10, 13 or 8 characters
  • It is not a duplicate
  • It has correct check digit
  • Automatically converts 'x' character to upper case 'X'.

You can override error messages and enter an invalid/duplicate ISBN if required.

Qualification and MARC compliance

If you use the Title ISBN (Full Layout) to access the MARC21 fields, this generally includes Binding, e.g. hardback, paperback, cased, etc.) According to AACR2, this should be displayed in parentheses after the ISBN. In the MARC format, there are two possible fields for this data, 021$c and 300$e. On screen, these are displayed as Qualification on the ISBN Details screen and Binding on the Physical Details screen respectively. The MARC format states that the Qualification field on the ISBN screen should only be used to hold qualifying information if the ISBN’s Status field is set to anything other than Main. If the ISBN’s Status field is set to Main, then the Binding field on the Physical Details screen should be used to enter the qualifying information in preference. In OLIB, for strict MARC compatibility, these guidelines should be adhered to. Thus, in general, qualifying ISBN information should be entered in the Binding field on the Physical Details screen. Only if non-main ISBNs are being entered should you use the Qualification field on the ISBN screen for this data.If you do not require the facility to export full MARC-compatible records, you can safely use the Qualification field on the ISBN screen for binding and other qualifying information, regardless of the setting of the ISBN’s status field. If you enter text in the Qualification field on the ISBN screen, the system displays this text in the ISBN field on the title screen in parentheses following the ISBN. (Text from the Binding field on the Physical Details screen is not displayed in the ISBN field on the Title screen).

Invalid ISxNs

Invalid IsxNs that include characters beyond the scope of: 0-9, hyphen, space, trailing X and leading M, will be accepted by OLIB if you override the checks. If you save a code that contains one or more of these characters, OLIB automatically inserts the ISxN Type - Invalid ISN for incorrect ISxNs. This is to ensure that invalid data is not included in the 020 or 022 tag in a MARC record when it is exported from OLIB. Users can also search for catalogue records using the invalid ISxNs -Titles by ISBN/ISSN or other ISxN search.

If the record only includes an invalid ISBN (e.g. because it was created during a MARC import and the 020 tag only contained a $z), the invalid ISBN is displayed in the ISBN field, in the new Cancelled/Other Formats/Invalid ISBNs column. Previously, the ISBN field was blank. During MARC import the 020 $z tag is often used to hold the print ISBN for an e-Book record, which is therefore an invalid ISBN.

To manually add an invalid ISBN an attribute will need to be added using Layout Manager (Invalid ISN (isns_valid)). Once in place add an invalid ISBN as follows:

  1. Click on the New link under the ISBN field.
  2. Enter the invalid ISBN in the Invalid ISBN field.
  3. Save and Close the record. The value will display in the Cancelled/Other Formats/Invalid ISBNs field.


OLIB handles the conversion of 10 digit and 13 digit ISMNs. A 10 digit ISMN should start with M, e.g. M230671187 and a 13 digit ISMN replaces the M with 9790 to form an EAN.

You can search for this record by either the 10-digit or 13-digit ISMN using Titles by ISBN/ISSN or other ISxN.