An accounts structure must first exist if you want to manage your commitments and expenditure in acquisitions. See Funds management for information about creating an accounts structure. You should also allocate money to the account instances through a transaction and remember to set the account instance to Active before attempting to create orders.
A set of reference data is created in advance for Acquisitions. When orders and order items are placed, these reference data values will then be available for regular use. See Acquisitions reference data and Supplier reference data for more information.
In addition, many default values for this reference data can be configured in advance. This makes the ongoing operation of the ordering process much quicker. As soon as the acquisitions librarian begins placing order/order items, the default values appear straight away.
The system manager can use Layout manager to add more fields to the Order Items domain.
Vendor Item Number - You can then search for order items placed using Order Items by Vendor Item Number.
Clear No. To Order? / Clear Item Price? / Retain Account Yes/No - See Acquisitions reference data.