Extended order items layout

Discover how to use the extended order items layout in OLIB Acquisitions.


This information is optional and is a continuation of the Ordering process. Use this more detailed layout if you want to:

 Note: Some default reference data values will also apply to this layout.


  1. At the foot of the Order Items box, click New to access the detailed Order Items layout.
  2. If configured as reference data defaults, the Order Location, Supplier, Supplier Reference may be present but can be changed.
  3. In the Title field click Search to check in the database whether the item is already in stock. If in stock, insert the catalogue record into the order item.
  4. If not in stock then use New Record to create a new catalogue record. When creating a new catalogue record for an order item, minimal bibliographic information is required. Only a title must be entered, however it is recommended that you supply additional information, such as ISBN and Publisher, to assist the cataloguing staff in identifying the correct record later. Save the new Title record to return it to the order item page.
     Note: The Status should not be changed on the Order Items page (except when an order item is being cancelled).
  5. Enter the quantity being ordered in No.Ordered. Multiple copies may be ordered on a single order item even if they are for different destination locations.
  6. In For Locations you can click New to assign how many copies for each Location. Save each copy location record and click For Locations again until you have assigned all the copies you wish to at this stage. They will all be listed in the order items screen. If the Locations have their own Payment Accounts attached, OLIB can automatically create an entry for these in Financial details: Payment Accounts. You will also be able to process the invoice based on the copies for locations.
  7. Use Ordered For if you want to identify the User who requested this order item, e.g. a subject tutor. (Contact your OLIB consultant if you want to use the Ordered For percentage cost apportionment). There is an Order Items search option by Ordered for User. An order item can also be reserved for an Ordered For User - Closed.

    Having entered an Ordered For User, you can subsequently reserve the item for that User. In modify mode select the User by checking the box and in the available Actions choose Flag as Reserve on Check in. This does not actually hold the item since it has not yet been catalogued. However use the action in the Reservations list box of the Titles domain (when cataloguing is finished) to 'hold' the item.

    Alternatively you can enable an alert to send a Received in the Library notice via email to the user(s) in the Ordered For list, when the library checks in the item. See Order item checked in notice for more information.
  8. The Supplier's normal Delivery Method and Delivery Period defaults in but you can modify it. This causes the Date Expected field to be updated to reflect the revised delivery period. You can also set the Date Expected field manually.
  9. Enter the date the item is required in Needed By. This interacts with the Delivery Period.
  10. Prepaid Yes/No.

    Items which are to be pre-paid, either by credit card or by cheque with the order, are handled in the same way as standard order items except that this Prepaid flag is set to Yes.

     Note: A saved, filtered search for order items with a status of pre-paid can be useful if many items are ordered in this way.

    A pre-paid item should have an invoice prepared at the time of the order to match the payment details. Any details of cheques or credit card payments can be entered in the notes field. Save the Invoice with a status of In-preparation. When the item is actually received and checked in the invoice can then have the status changed to Complete.
  11. Specify whether the item is to be received On Approval or not. If this is an approval order, the Due for return date can be defaulted or changed at this stage, or leave this field blank to be completed later.
  12. Create Copy is used to indicate that a copy should or should not be created on check-in before you check the item in using the Automatic Check-In option. This can also be useful if you normally obtain MARC records from your supplier that already include copy records.
  13. Other copy defaults may be populated from default reference data configured in advance. It is used to set copy record fields when the item is checked in - Location, Sub-Location, Category.
  14. In addition you can set up a free text Check In Popup message for the order item. The message will be displayed to the member of staff at the point of check in.
  15. Enter any internal order item level comments in the Internal Notes field, or any order item Notes to Supplier.

 Note: Optionally the system manager can also add the Vendor Item Number field (free text) to Order Items using Layout Manager. This is available as one of the searches in the Order Items domain.

Select the Financial Details tab to enter cost details and choose the correct account instance.

Once all the order items are complete you should either:

Requested order items

  1. When creating order items if you used the detailed order items layout and clicked Ordered For this displays a new page where you can search and insert the user who has requested the item.
  2. Set the Reserve flag to Yes so that at the point when the order item is checked in, a reservation is automatically generated for this User. The reservation is also marked for your attention when viewing this order item.