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Claim event types and sequences

Discover how to use claim event types and sequences in OLIB Acquisitions.

►Acquisitions Reference Data > Claim Event Types
►Acquisitions Reference Data > Claim Sequences

Create this reference data as part of the setup for OLIB's Claims system.

Claim event types

These are created either as a Claim event type or a Supplier Response Event type. For Claims enter a record for each claim you want to generate, e.g. Claim1, Claim2, Claim3; for Supplier Responses enter the normal responses you receive from suppliers, e.g. OP Out of Print. These will be available for entering against any individual order item that a supplier reports back on.

  1. In Claim Event Types click New Record.
  2. Enter a Key ID, Short, and Long Description for this claim event, e.g. Claim1, Claim2, Claim3.
  3. Enter the Text that is to appear on the claim letter.
     Note: This text is not required for claims that use Alerting emails - you can just repeat the Description. It is only required if claim letters are to be printed.
  4. In Type select whether this is a Claim or a Supplier Response and save the record.
  5. Create more records for the number of claims to be generated, e.g. Claim1, Claim2, Claim3.
  6. If you want to be able to record supplier responses in OLIB, then enter them here ready for use, e.g. OP Out of Print, OS Out of Stock, RP Reprinting etc.

Claim sequences

These bring together claim events and claim notices with specified time gaps to allow for the generation of notices in a logical sequence. The example created here is a sample sequence for a book supplier.


  • Claim notices and claim even types should be created first so they can be grouped into a sequence.
  • This will probably include different sequences for monograph order claims and serial issue claims as well as for different suppliers. A separate sequence is normally required to chase incomplete orders.
  1. Enter a Key ID, short, and long description for this claim sequence.
  2. Claim Steps include the steps in this sequence. Click New to add the first Claim Event Type in the Sequence.
  3. Claim Seq defaults to the sequence of the current record being edited in the Claim Sequences page. Non editable.
  4. The Seq field OLIB defaults the number of this step in the sequence. Non editable.
  5. In Notice select one of the claims notices you have configured.
  6. In Claim Event Type click Search to insert e.g. Claim1.
  7. In Claim Text the text of the Claim Event Type defaults (although not required for claims using alerting).
  8. Enter the number of Days after the expected date that the claim step is to occur.

Add other notices in the sequence until it is complete. For example the completed Sequence of Claim Steps might be:

Seq No Type Days
1 First claim notice 28
2 Second claim notice 20
3 Third claim notice 14