Exported Item Lists

Find information about Exported Item Lists in GreenGlass.

To retrieve exported lists click on the details icon near your user name in the far upper right of the screen and navigate to MY DOWNLOADS. GreenGlass item lists that contain fewer than 300,000 rows (or items) are made available in Excel .xlsx format. Lists that exceed 300,000 rows will be delivered as .csv files.

These Excel spreadsheets are lightly formatted but it is recommended that you delete columns you don't need. You may also wish to add Filters to the header row (via the DATA menu) to isolate items with specific values, etc. Sometimes pivot tables can be helpful for certain types of analyses. If you are unfamiliar with Excel or if you have any questions about your downloaded files, contact your GreenGlass liaison.

Each item in exported lists is represented by a line in the spreadsheet, sorted by the Display Call Number. The first row contains a label/header for each column.

 Note: Some columns are not included in all exports, and even if the column is included, data may not be available for individual items. This could be the result of custom project specifications and/or inconsistencies in your library's data.

Column descriptions
Column Description
Location Code The ILS location code of the item.
Location Name A natural language translation of the location code. Often used in the OPAC display.
Display Call Number The call number GreenGlass has derived from your records, which we believe to be the one used locally for spine labels and shelf-listing. At the point of export, item lists are always sorted on this data element.
Display Call Number Normalized The normalized Display call number supports re-sorting.
Title The title of the book, as it appears in the library's record. It's rare for this to be missing, but it does happen (a concatenation of all 245 subfields except $6 & $8).
Enumeration Enumeration of an item, often included for items in multi-volume sets. If the enumeration is followed by an asterisk (*), it was harvested by GreenGlass from the call number field.
Possible Multi-Volume Set GreenGlass derives this indicator from a combination of item data including enumeration and OCLC Work ID. This field is available in new projects beginning in January 2018.
Copy Number The copy number assigned by the library to the item. This field is not included in all exports.
Possible Duplicate This Yes/No indicator has been assigned by GreenGlass.  For more information, watch the Tutorial: Understanding Possible Duplicates (5:09)
Multi-Edition Title This Yes/No indicator has been assigned by GreenGlass.  For more information, watch the Tutorial: Understanding Multi-Edition Titles (3:00)
Author The first cited author in the library's record (a concatenation of all 1XX (first occurrence) subfields except $0, $4, $6, & $8).
Publisher The first publisher cited in the library's record (a concatenation of all 260/264 subfields).
Publication Year Publication Year from the library's record (fixed field 008 bytes 07-10, then 260/264$c).
Edition Edition Statement from the library's record (a concatenation of all 250 subfields except $6 & $8).
Primary Language The MARC language code, as it appears in the library's MARC field 008; 35-37.
Series The first series cited in the library's record.
Recorded Uses — Item This count is specific to the item. Depending on the parameters of the project, it may include internal use indicators, like re-shelving counts, browses or reading room loans, etc.
Recorded Uses — Title If there are multiple items associated with a single bib record, this count combines all the item use tallies into a single number. This is the usage tally visible online.
Last Charge Date — Item This date is specific to the item. This field is not included in all exports.
Last Charge Date — Title If there are multiple items associated with a single bib record, this date reflects the most recent charge date for any of the associated items. This field is not included in all exports.
Last Add Date — Title If there are multiple items associated with a single bib record, this date reflects the most recent add (or acquisition) date for any of the associated items. This field is not included in all exports.
Global Holdings Same Edition The count of all holdings for the exact edition; as set in WorldCat™.
Counting Holdings — Same Exact edition WorldCat™ tallies. This tally includes your library's holding.
Country Holdings — Any Edition Related edition WorldCat™ tallies. This tally includes your library's holding.
State/Province Holdings — Same Edition Exact edition WorldCat™ tallies. This tally includes your library's holding.
State/Province Holdings — Any Edition Related edition WorldCat™ tallies. This tally includes your library's holding.
Comparator Library Holdings — Same Edition Exact edition WorldCat™ tallies. All of your library's comparator libraries are combined. Each comparator is counted once regardless of whether the library has set holdings under more than one symbol. If your library named no comparators, this column will not appear in the export. This tally does not include your library's holding.
Comparator Library Holdings — Any Edition Related edition WorldCat™ tallies. All of your library's comparator libraries are combined. Each comparator is counted once regardless of whether the library has set holdings under more than one symbol. If your library named no comparators, this column will not appear in the export. This tally does not include your library's holding.
Special Category Yes means that the bibliographic record has been flagged according to the Special Category Rules established by the library or by the group.
Allocated for Retention For group projects, post-allocation. Yes means that this title has been allocated for retention by your library and should not be deselected.
HathiTrust Public Domain Yes means the title has been identified as public domain by HathiTrust.
HathiTrust In-Copyright Yes means the title has been identified as in-copyright by HathiTrust.
HathiTrust URL Links to the HathiTrust Catalog Record and can be embedded in local catalogs for users to access full text for public domain titles.
Reviewed in CHOICE Yes means the title was reviewed by CHOICE.
CHOICE OAT Yes means the title was reviewed by CHOICE as an Outstanding Academic Title.
OPAC URL A URL link to the library's public catalog.
WorldCat™ URL A URL link to the bib record in WorldCat™.
OCLC Work ID An OCLC assigned number used to associate various editions of a given work. For more information about the OCLC Work ID, watch the Tutorial: Understanding Multi-Edition Titles (3:00)
WorldCat™ OCLC Number The OCLC number from the WorldCat™ record that GreenGlass matched to the library's bib record.
Bib Record Number The library's internal unique identifier for a bibliographic record.
Bib Control Number The library's bibliographic control number. Depending on your library's catalog, this may or may not be the same as the Bib Record Number.
Item Control Number The library's item control number.
Item Type Code The library's item type code.
Item Status Code The library's item status code.
ISBN The exported ISBN is taken from the first 020$a in the library's MARC record.
Barcode The barcode number assigned to the item by the library.