Use this stanza for Lexis Nexis resources.
- Lexis Nexis
- Lexis+ Canada
- Lexis Advance Quicklaw
- NexisUni
Contact the vendor to receive the appropriate starting point URL with the required "identityprofileidby" value to proxy these resources.
In order to provide access to resources that use https, your EZproxy server must be configured with an SSL certificate.
AnonymousURL +https://dniaeeyvroj2l.cloudfront.net/index.html AnonymousURL +https://static.law360news.com/* PHE www.lexisnexis.com$ www-lexisnexis-com PHE www.nexis.com$ www-nexis-com Option CookiePassThrough Title Lexis Nexis (updated 20250302) HTTPMethod PUT HTTPMethod DELETE HTTPMethod PATCH HTTPHeader -request -unrewrite X-LN-PreviousRequestId HTTPHeader -request -unrewrite X-RequestedWith HTTPHeader -request -unrewrite X-LN-CurrentRequestId HTTPHeader -request -unrewrite X-RE-Ref HTTPHeader -request -unrewrite X-UA-Compatible HTTPHeader -request -unrewrite X-LN-InstanceId HTTPHeader -request -unrewrite X-LN-PageMode HTTPHeader -request -process X-NewRelic-ID HTTPHeader -response -process X-LN-PreviousRequestId HTTPHeader -response -process X-RequestedWith HTTPHeader -response -process X-LN-CurrentRequestId HTTPHeader -response -process X-RE-Ref HTTPHeader -response -process X-UA-Compatible HTTPHeader -response -process X-LN-InstanceId HTTPHeader -response -process X-LN-PageMode HTTPHeader -response -process X-AspNetMvc-Version URL http://www.lexisnexis.com/ HJ https://advance.lexis.com HJ advance.lexis.com HJ https://dniaeeyvroj2l.cloudfront.net HJ https://lexisadvancequicklaw.ca HJ lexisadvancequicklaw.ca HJ https://lexisnexis.co.za HJ lexisnexis.co.za HJ https://mylexisnexis.co.za HJ mylexisnexis.co.za HJ https://nexis.com HJ nexis.com HJ https://nexisuni.com HJ nexisuni.com HJ https://nexis.lexisnexis.com/ HJ nexis.lexisnexis.com/ HJ https://plus.lexis.com HJ plus.lexis.com HJ https://w3.lexis.com HJ w3.lexis.com HJ https://w3.nexis.com HJ w3.nexis.com HJ https://web.lexis-nexis.com HJ web.lexis-nexis.com HJ https://web.lexisnexis.com HJ web.lexisnexis.com HJ https://www.lexis.com HJ www.lexis.com HJ https://www.lexis-nexis.com HJ www.lexis-nexis.com HJ https://www.lexis360intelligence.fr HJ www.lexis360intelligence.fr HJ https://www.lexisnexis.co.za HJ www.lexisnexis.co.za HJ https://www.lexisnexis.com HJ www.lexisnexis.com HJ https://www.lexisnexis.fr HJ www.lexisnexis.fr HJ https://www.mylexisnexis.co.za HJ www.mylexisnexis.co.za HJ https://www.nexis.com HJ www.nexis.com HJ https://www.nexisuni.com HJ www.nexisuni.com HJ https://www.totalpatentone.com HJ www.totalpatentone.com HJ https://www.law360.com HJ www.law360.com HJ https://www.law360.ca HJ www.law360.ca HJ https://www.law360.co.uk HJ www.law360.co.uk HJ https://static.law360news.com HJ static.law360news.com DJ lexis-nexis.com DJ lexis360intelligence.fr DJ lexis.com DJ lexisadvancequicklaw.ca DJ lexisnexis.co.za DJ lexisnexis.com DJ lexisnexis.fr DJ mylexisnexis.co.za DJ nexis.com DJ nexisuni.com DJ plus.lexis.com DJ law360.com DJ law360.ca DJ law360.co.uk Find location.hostname Replace location.host Find = "www.lexisnexis.com" Replace = "^pwww.lexisnexis.com^" Find &unix=http:// Replace &unix=http://^A Find GetCookie("LNAUTH") Replace "LNAUTH-IP" Find NAME="_PRIORREFERER" VALUE="http:// Replace NAME="_PRIORREFERER" VALUE="http://^A Find NAME="_PRIORREFERER" VALUE="https:// Replace NAME="_PRIORREFERER" VALUE="https://^A Find "www.nexis.com" Replace "^pwww.nexis.com^" Find window.location.replace(redirURL) Replace Find mq.set("rt", "https:// Replace mq.set("rt", "https://^A Find mq.set("rt", "http:// Replace mq.set("rt", "http://^A Find if(forwardTo.indexOf("lexis.com") != -1 || forwardTo.indexOf("nexis.com") != -1 || forwardTo.indexOf("csint") != -1) Replace if(forwardTo.indexOf("lexis.com") != -1 || forwardTo.indexOf("nexis.com") != -1 || forwardTo.indexOf("csint") != -1 || forwardTo.indexOf("lexis-com") != -1 || forwardTo.indexOf("nexis-com") != -1) Find action:"https%3a%2f%2fsignin.lexisnexis.com Replace action:"https://signin.lexisnexis.com Option Cookie AnonymousURL -*
A Hosted EZproxy Include File is available for this resource. Hosted EZproxy customers will receive automatic updates with OCLC’s latest version of this stanza. Note: Hosted EZproxy customers in the Americas using self-service may reference the Include File by adding the following line to config.txt:
IncludeFile databases/lexisnexis.txt
Updated 2017-09-07: If EZproxy is used with other LexisNexis products, please enter the URLs below as the URL entry in the configuration file:
- Scholastic: http://www.lexisnexis.com/hottopics/scholastic
- Library Express: http://www.lexisnexis.com/hottopics/lnpubliclibraryexpress
- State Capital: http://web.lexisnexis.com/stcapuniv