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EBSCO Electronic Journals Service


In order to provide access to resources that use https, your EZproxy server must be configured with an SSL certificate.

Title EBSCO Electronic Journals Service

EBSCO no longer maintains ebscoejs.txt file, so in addition to the above stanza, you will also need to include the EZproxy stanza for each full text publisher you subscribe to. You can find many on the Database Stanzas page.

A Note about ebscoejs.txt and IncludeFile

Adding the entire ebscoejs.txt as an IncludeFile is no longer the suggested method for configuration of resources accessed through EBSCO Electronic Journals Service because this file contains many duplicate host statements and outdated database stanzas, for example Sage Journals and Wiley Online Library. Adding stanzas for each individual resource will ensure that you are using the most up-to-date stanza for that resource.

Including duplicate host statements in your config.txt can cause the following problems:

  1. Increase the likelihood that you will exceed your MaxVirtualHosts limit, causing EZproxy to stop proxying new URLs
    It is possible to clear unused hosts from the EZproxy admin page or increase the MaxVirtualHost limit to combat this problem.
  2. Make it difficult to troubleshoot stanza and resource access problems
    EZproxy will proxy access to a resource based on the first URL, Host, or HJ statement it matches in the config.txt file to the starting point URL. If a resource stanza missing necessary processing directives comes before the correct stanza containing these directives, EZproxy will use the first stanza. This could cause the resource to proxy incorrectly or certain elements of the resource may be inaccessible. With duplicate host statements, the likelihood of problems like these increase, and it becomes more difficult to identify these problems when they occur. If you decide to continue using the ebscoejs.txt file, make sure it is always at the end of your config.txt file.

We will continue to make ebscoejs.txt available for reference because it contains stanzas for resources not currently published on the EZproxy Database Stanzas page. When selecting stanzas from this file for inclusion in your config.txt file, use caution and do not include multiple stanzas containing duplicate URL, Host, HJ, Domain, and DJ lines. You only need to include these lines once, and all resources at these URLs will be accessible. For more information about when to include a new stanza and when to use one that already exists, see Starting Point URLs & config.txt.