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Learn how to use the RejectIP config.txt directive to block access from specific addresses in EZproxy.

If your institution knows or has identified through security testing IP addresses that provide a potential security threat to your instance of EZproxy, you can block all access from these addresses by adding the RejectIP directive followed by these addresses or address ranges. This can be useful for blocking entire geographies that you would like to restrict from accessing your resources or individual users who have tried repeatedly to gain illicit access to your resources.

RejectIP is a position-independent config.txt directive that is used to identify computers that should be blocked from accessing EZproxy. It accepts a single parameter that is either an IP address or an IP address range and can appear multiples times in config.txt.


RejectIP IP address


To block access from the single IP address and the range of addresses from through, you would use:


By default, EZproxy will simply close any connection request from a RejectIP address. If you want to provide feedback to users, you can create a file named reject.htm and place it in the docs subdirectory. If EZproxy finds such a file it sends the file to the remote user and then closes the connection.

The only content that EZproxy will serve to someone accessing from a RejectIP range is reject.htm.  Access to anything else is blocked, including any CSS script that you may want to include.

CIDR Notation


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