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Run a query

Learn how to run a query in Choreo Insights.

Run a query

Before running a query, refer to About the Insights Builder to learn more about the available options and settings for running your query.

To run a query from the Choreo Insights user interface:

  1. Navigate to Insights > Insights Builder.
  2. Select the Analysis Type.
    • All - Show titles held by either your libraries OR other libraries.
    • Overlap - Show titles held by your library AND other libraries.
    • Distinct - Show titles held ONLY by your library or group.
    • Gap - Show titles held ONLY by other libraries (comparator libraries or lists).
  3. Input your institution(s) into My Libraries (A) by typing or choosing from the drop-down menu.
  4. Input the Comparator Group(s) (B) you would like to use by typing a name into the text box or using the drop-down menu.
  5. Choose the comparator List(s) you would like to use by typing a name in the text box or using the drop-down menu.
  6. Select any Query Filters you would like to apply. For a list of filters, see About the Insights Builder > Query filters.
  7. Click RUN REPORT.

Query results


  1. Results - The combination of titles from both your institution and the comparator group(s) that were added to the query.
  2. Collection - The count of all monograph items within your collection.
  3. # of Titles - A graph visualization by LC classification, of the number of titles held by your institution and the comparator groups chosen in this query.
  4. Export visualization - The visualization displays after you run your query. Click the three-bar menu to view it in full screen, print, or download as a PDF or image file.
  5. Titles list - The list of titles from the above graph, including a link to the WorldCat record.